@Saltypatra can you close this thread. @AboveOmnipotence is obviously trying to troll the community by making false claims about what the Devs have said and then trying to troll further by attempting to insult the players who are asking him for clarification.
If your following the guidelines, then I’m using my one daily Meme quota in this thread:
I’m personally of the belief that even a thread like this is relatively harmless, and shouldn’t require a censorship hammer. The OP is entitled to his opinion, and hasn’t done more than blanket-insult players of a different mindset, which by Internet standards is quite tame.
That being said, the title was clearly misleading. I’ve adjusted it so people aren’t confused by what is obviously and clearly baseless posturing.
I’m not sure if you’ve missed it but he’s repeatedly said the devs have promised this “feature” and then just laughs and insults when players question him. To me, that’s textbook trolling.
I would like to think that any reader with a working sense of reason could tease out the truth of the matter by following the discourse and pattern-matching with previous life experiences. Perhaps my view of humanity is unrealistically optimistic, though.
Agreed but since this behavior is against the new guidelines, I’d imagine this isn’t what the devs want on the forums anymore. If the forums can’t handle memes, I don’t think they want actual trolls. Just a guess though; we’ll find out if Salty closes the thread or not.
He sounds suspiciously like BlackRhino to me.
Momentary lapse in judgement, sorry…
Ah, memories…
I wonder what he’s doing these days…?
One of my all time favorite classics:
The guy that demanded in broken sentences to be put in charge of any guild he joins. I’ve had a bunch of beers, and its been awhile so unfortunately I don’t recall the Alias/Username. I was pure comedy gold.
LOL Just look at how some of you emotional sensitive folks are getting over a single-player game that hasn’t even introduced the realtime multiplayer yet, that’s soon to come. I guarantee that some of you here will be the ones constantly ragequitting for constantly losing against other real players. Again, nobody is forcing some of you to play realtime multiplayer, while some of us actually can’t wait to play against other people.
And nice job using your editing “skills” on this topic, you’re THAT emotional. Now, try applying that same “skill” against other realtime players when the multiplayer feature comes soon, good luck. LOL
So, is “soon” synonymous with “turn of the next millennium”? Because that’s about when it will get here.
Ah, the brown mastery guy! Didn’t @Tacet play him like a harp? I remember finding that hilarious at the time.
I THINK this is him and one of his topics?!
No problem LMFAO
You’re on fire! 8/8 IGN11!!!11