List of Quality of Life Improvements

That is ok, you guys have 2.2 full of features, some things will just have to wait till the next update after 2.2

Not sure if it’s been said yet. I get why there’s a limit on how many players new guilds can have and how fast they earn them, but can we have the option to assign any player any rank? Instead of having to “earn” ranks by completing tasks.

Currently in my guild I can have:

17 Sentinels, 33 Commanders, 49 Legionnaire, and 168 Recruits, like what? Pointless. Let me make all 30 players Sentinels if I choose to.

I have a feeling this was created to inspire doing tasks, but now it’s outdated.

QoL? I think so. Giving more control and choices to Guild-leaders +10

Once the guild earns the 30 player spots, you should be able to set whatever ranks you like.

When the player clicks “Clear Team” in addition to the roster clearing, the team name should automatically reset and the banner should revert to default (Broken Banner)

Just like you can drag troops into a team lineup, you should be able to drag entire teams around and re-arrange your team list.


Up to date. @KrudlerTheHorse Your second one is #6 in the Troops section.

Whoops, sorry about that. I thought I went over them before I posted but I missed it.

I would like a button for when you complete an Explore, it says “Explore Again” and will auto battle the next team in the same kingdom.

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and while I’m on this, can we get a toggle option to stop the “Team Bonuses” from animation, just a straight into battle without all the drama before it.

Both of those are already in the list.

I agree with most of the list, some items more than others, and don’t have anything new to add. Thanks @Studs for keeping up with this post over the months.

I must be missing something because as far as I can tell all it does is gives us a chance to double check the math, which will result in a bunch of (unlikely unnecessary) support tickets. Maybe some players complain about RNGesus not blessing one of their kingdoms. I apologize if this comes off as rude, not my intent, I’m genuinely curious what the benefit is.

I see the benefit to some players, but as others have mentioned it maybe off-putting to a great deal more. At level 400, I’m scared of the ~900,000 souls I need for my measly 240 troops. Not disagreeing with the feature, just voicing my opinion that it should probably be left just to our individual progress tracking spreadsheets.

Unless I misunderstand, this is implemented on mobile. Not sure about the other platforms.

You’re purchasing keys with your seals. Not unlike gold and glory keys being bought with their currency. The keys themselves can be bought in the guild tab shop. While an auto currency-to-key converter would be nice now, it would close the door on using seals to purchase other things. As it stands the other currencies (gold, glory, and gems) can all be used multiple ways.

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Show the invite code when you click on the recruit button for someone.
(Because you can’t invite people who are in guilds, there is often an issue with timing trying to get people naked and send them an invite. Plus newer players are often confused on how to see their invite code.)

Few more things that have come to mind:

Randomize traitstone rewards in PVP, rather than basing on defender’s home kingdom. Home Kingdom doesn’t really have much to do with PVP as it is (see below). Everyone and their mother runs Whitehelm for the glory, and I’m pretty sure this is why I have 50-100% more yellow stones than any other color with most (all mono) yellow troops fully traited.

Kingdom-specific defense bonuses so home kingdom is meaningful in PVP beyond traitstone reward.

In combat, bind cast button to space bar on PC.

Remove (or reduce) the hint delay during combat.

This is already how it is on console.

Idk if it has been requested before, and I’m too lazy and too tired to scroll up and read all those request but I wish they would give us option to retreat on enemy turn. Had a game tonight where enemy Justice just looping for some minutes. By the time AI finished looping, my rival got 100+ points already. Ain’t nobody got time to wait until AI stop looping. /endrant

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It’s up to date. @ZooKeeper, that was already in there (#8 in Combat).

If it’s not going to be completely random, it should be based on the defense team composition.

When there are more weekly reward packs than fit on the screen, center the view to show parts of the boxes on both edges. I talked to several people who didn’t realize the merchant blade was for sale because it was offscreen.

QoL Suggestion:
Add a filter to troop search for troops that gain buffs for the new weekly event system.


Should be up to date, including new strikethroughs!

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Would be nice to get a pop up msg when you log in saying witch new troop are now avalaible in each chest

Ex: boombot is now avalaible in gold chest


Added! /10char

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