Lions Rampant

Very much so! I am using 6 different invade teams. If only @Sirrian would give us some more team slots. :grin: pretty please.


And therein lies the reason I so dislike the idea of nerfing Mercy.

My team that uses her required a lot of effort and research to assemble perfectly. I’m still working on variations that don’t suffer some of the same weaknesses, like damage being single-threaded through 1 Paladin.

The fact that some people may be using her in an unpleasant way doesn’t change the fact that she’s an integral part of several possible teams that are competitive but not at all OP.

And what is so wrong about an easy button?

Some people play this on the side you know… Some people want a nice simple easy to play game that requires next to no thought because they are AVOIDING thought (maybe due to a stressful work day)… Some people really like this game because there are a lot of neat elements to it but still want a casual gem matching game that isn’t super intense and hard.

There needs to be a middle ground for those people too. There should ALWAYS be an easy button so you don’t ostracize groups of the fan base. Everyone should be able to play to their liking. And right now that’s still possible. There always needs to be those teams that are easy and effective, and there always needs to be those teams that are complicated but effective.

It always annoys me when people complain about the easy button when it’s NECESSARY for a lot of people.

Personally I prefer to meet in the middle. I like the strategy of looping teams and lining up 4 of a kinds, and the speed of the “OP” decks…

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Wonder why discussion is about Mercy and not how useless Pride guard is, especially compared to Settite Warrior.


[quote=“Mekkalyn, post:103, topic:10542, full:true”]
And what is so wrong about an easy button?

Some people play this on the side you know… Some people want a nice simple easy to play game that requires next to no thought because they are AVOIDING thought (maybe due to a stressful work day)… Some people really like this game because there are a lot of neat elements to it but still want a casual gem matching game that isn’t super intense and hard. [/quote]

Ranked PvP is useless when everyone wins at the same rate. Literally the only function the leaderboard has is to measure “Time Played”

Gems of War is not a casual game. People who play GoW, expecting “easy mechanics” are like people who buy a Ferrari and never go past the speed limit.


I 100% agree that what we truly need is a blend of buffs and nerfs. The dev team has been buffing troops (e.g., the Zhu’Kkari and Ghulvania reworks over recent weeks ago). In fact, there’s a whole thread filled with buff ideas, and I contributed many ideas to it: Other teams that need synergy vs. Goblins

However, none of these reworks amount to much b/c even though these kingdoms and troops are now more interesting and balanced (i.e., less underwhelming), people continue to spam the same OP teams. Bottom line is that even if these buffs lead to interesting new teams/mechanics most people will continue to abuse a Maw or Mab team b/c they’re so efficient. That’s just how player psychology works. The vast majority of players are going to min/max and the dev team has to design with this behavior in mind, which means both buffs and nerfs. And the unfortunate side effect, which @Mr.Strange has mentioned before, is that the dev team ends up balancing content around these outliers.

Personally, I’d love to see Mercy, Mab, Goblins, & Rock Worm all nerfed. That would eliminate most of the teams that are spammed like crazy throughout every stage of player progression. Then let’s get some reworks of Adana, Blighted Lands, Stormheim, & Khaziel, at least to start. Essentially there would be no more “super efficient” teams, which would slow down player progression. But that’s fine b/c we can then make the game a little less grindy. The end result would be a game that has much more dynamism in team comps and is just as good if not better for the dev team’s bottom line.

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They are quite different Troops and not really comparable. Maybe that’s why.

I personally have no issue with someone else using an “easy” button team. It just isn’t for me. I knew as soon as the 2X Mab team came out (pre-nerf) that it would bore me to tears. However, I didn’t join the nerf Mab mob. I’m just not that concerned about about how someone else plays the game. Frankly, people like various aspects of this game. My favorite parts are team building, strategy and collection. I get giddy when I find a deck that has awesome synergy.


[quote=“Ashasekayi, post:108, topic:10542, full:true”]I get giddy when I find a deck that has awesome synergy.

I’m a 31 year old male and I get giddy too.

Like a Japanese schoolgirl.


My solution is:


'Nuff said.


Sounds like some kind of nasty bodily function…

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Nothing, and there literally already is one: pick the left option in the PvP page.


Yeah I mean the “easy button” is what you get when the top rank is based on time spent. Everything in this game is based on time spent. So people are always going to look for the quickest way. Which I personally see nothing wrong with since this is by design. Some of these things could take you a solid year to finish.

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Sorry but you don’t understand the point of balancing at all, if that is truly your opinion.
You would nerf for the heck of it or because a troop is universally more liked than others. With the exception of Mab (who can be completely neutered since the changes to impervious and introduction of manaburn counters) and Mercy to a degree none of these troops possess a powerlevel that should be considered above average.

I don’t know why you get hung up on Mercy in the first place, she is a transformer and nothing more, her pros compared to Alchemist are empowered and cleanse, her cons are more mana cost, less versatility, less overall converted mana. Without Maw her empowered trait is really not that amazing. You say if Maws spell was nerfed the next yellow troop takes over that place keeping Mercy at her place on top, but that is simply not true. It is not like people on these forums would go apeshit about a first turn Gorgotha spell or anything.
There is a reason for Maws spell being expensive and one-shot, there simply is no other yellow troop snowballing a game like Maw does with a quick spell activation.

The other troops you want nerfed are average at best, partly even below, they are just simple in their nature and for that liked by some players.

As for the nerfs with this event in general; the Maw “nerf” is somewhat needed as it gets rid of the snowballing rng of that troop, though the overall powerlevel of Maw and his new replacement trait for hunger is still immense, a legendary trait many other legendary troops would gladly trade in their whole array of traits.
The other nerfs are unneeded, way too harsh, and further piling on the decrease of excitement for the weekly troop additions as these mostly turn out to be not competitive.


It would not eliminate the grind. A game like this is a grind no matter where you set the baseline. Quite honestly so are all games that you can play after the initial quest lines are done. All you are recommending (minus the Adana rework) is throwing the core of the game out. At which point we will be back to the same position we are now just with different cards in the title block.


To me, mercy is too weak in my troop line-ups. Yes empowered makes getting mana out of the gate fast but ssh is not good. You can not control where she gives health, she cleanses all and a misfire out of the gate 4/5 times. What part of any of that sounds overpowered? Maw has always been paired with one of possibly 3 or so skull spammers and not he has been “nerfed.” You can still build a viable and fast maw team, just watch the video where tacet lost all his troops in the same turn. Team synergy is only as good as all of its parts. If your team can not win against another team because you lost 1 troop, then that team was terrible to begin with. I want them to do a buff/rework to the rest of the old kingdoms but i can understand that the devs have painted themselves into a corner. “How do we rework something without creating an op troop.” Look at ghulvania, the devs made flesh golem really powerful but no one cares to build a team around him. Look at zombie, a direct counter to maw for weeks, no one plays him. Grave knight directly counters paladin even and yet the meta does not know it exists. Even ghule is good.but as a player base through our actions we have told the devs to shove their counter up their filing cabinets and give us the nerfs already. This game should not be about nerfs, but counters but every time a counter comes out it is met with disdain from the player base. I bet no one noticed that when dual troop type came out that goblins got nerfed again but somehow they playerbase thinks they are still strong. They are strong but this is the 4th (to memory) nerf they have received and they have had little to no buffs. Hell me the and some of the devs are playing 4xx teams, and I would wager that very few people are playing hero in the first slot. The player base is like a child, we have countless toys to play with and in many different ways, and yet we only play the most popular and from the dev’s (parent’s) perspective it seems futile to do anything because it would anger the playerbase (child).


I really hope the developers do not go down that route :stuck_out_tongue:

There should be efficient teams and I doubt many people want the game to go slower…

Anyways my main point is that nerfing teams because they are popular is NOT a good way of balance. You can’t nerf someone because people like them and they are used often even if you find them a nuisance to go against…

Out of all of those teams listed, I’ve only ever had a problem with goblin teams. And that was before all the nerfs and before mab, who became a great counter.

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I still think there should be bonuses or maluses for using the same team/units as everyone else. If your defend team has too much in common with other people in your tier, you lose more PVP points on a defend. If your invasion team is built out of less-used troops, you earn bonus PVP points.

Edit: this is, 100%, a “vice presidential” idea. It’s hastily sketched out, not at all complete, and would require a lot of analysis (and probably lots of coding) to implement. I just enjoy the idea of an in-game mechanic to reward bucking the meta.

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Well…aside from all that talk…

What are some successful Emperor teams?

I’ve really enjoyed:
Queen Mab

Any other successful combos?
Or any other combos that you’ve liked incorporating stuns and/or mana drains?

Well Emperor and Mab really seem to complement each other. I run the same Emp/Valk/Mab trio and use Manticore in place of Mercy. I also tried Psion in the 4th slot as a finisher.