LFG new GoW addict needs a good starter guild[closed]

My friend needs a guild if you can help please let me know!

What kind of contributions can he make? (Gold, trophies and/or seals)

He is lv22 so not much lol but he is a irl friend who is retired so lots of time and me coaching him

Genr8AfterMath needs you guys. We are a new active guild. Low req. Play guild wars… We are a competitive casual guild. We have mics optional. We have community page and Ive known my team for years. Send me invite code if interested

@iLL619 thank you but no

To be clear i do not come with my friend so only one spot needs to be available

Well if your friend is interested let me know

I will let you know now… No thank you

Ok you said that earlier so why post that again?

Same reason you keep posting here… Thank you for your interest

@vangor is with us, @iLL619 and you didn’t want to join my friends, so we’ll keep it at that.

Good luck on the search. I can find you more when you hit 100, work on those quests and kingdoms.

Heh yup! And the only way i will leave Nemesis is if someone talks @Santandrix in to booting me!

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Lol I am familiar with Nemesis all over pvp lol keep up the work. I do have a suggestion to be spread amongst the top guilds if you guy’s dnt mind. When recruiting for your guilds could you State that all kingdoms should be leveled so they can cover gold requirement. I see ppl mad sometimes in chat at top guilds for not clarifying that. Thanks

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Hi vangor, i’m currently in a decent starter guild with an open spot. We’re rank 158, gw bracket 8. No formal req’s, players from lvl 34 to 1k. Your friend is welcome to try us out.


If your friend doesn’t mind the name, GONADS has been looking for new members, we’re not new but because we were a private group of friends untill recently we’re not high rank (800+). As he’s a low level he wont need to contribute gold (unless he wants to) we only ask that he participates in the wars (win or lose its all points so every hit helps) if he’s intrested send us his invite code.

Eitherway glhf :slight_smile:


@Spider, I ty to tell All new players how the game works with quests and kingdoms, I took it out of my recruitment thread because if like it to be done. Edited joining us. Thx.

Thanks If you find any active newbies send them my way we have around 13 spots open. Also let them know I prefer mic to exsplain things it’s way faster. Again ty

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Thank you to everyone who responded to this! Lex has found a guild with @Madhermit in ‘burn down 4what?’


Great name smh nerds

This is a clear violation of the community guidelines and as such it is being reported

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