Hello, we are Conny and Waldes playing on PS4. We are only Rank 160 atm, but we love this game and are playing about 8 hours every day.
We do everything ingame, even the normal pvp, we just started to play.
We have nothing against donations,ok considering we just unlocked underworld, we cant give too much atm, but we progress fast and then we will give much moore then its required.
We want at least to be under a top 1000 guild, but moore important is the courage, on the 1 kind to have fun, on the other hand pushing the guild higher.
We accept only an invite from a guild with at least 10-15 real active players, because we dont want to be in a full guild like now, with lots of lvl1000 players and only we and a handfull players doing stuff, are active playing.
We accept every international guild invite, we communicate in english or german.
We would be really gratefull if such a guild would invite us, because its feels so much better if you see other players who are doing stuff like we.
Thank you for any reply, have fun,peace and get them ! Best regards, Conny and Waldes