Leveling all the troops in your home kingdom?

In that case, yes, disenchant away (IMO).

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I will say this. I began playing before Ascension existed. And right before I put the game down for nearly a year, I disenchanted everything down to 4. You can imagine my frustration upon return to find this great new system.

Now, I am a collector too, but I would totally utilize disenchant IF they offered a better return. I know it shouldn’t be a full refund but right now you are barely scratching the surface of souls invested.

Just my two cents… :wink:

Thanks for all the advice everyone.

For now I’m holding off on the disenchant. I’m the type of player that finishes an RPG game with 8,000 health potions, so destroying items just is not in my nature. If I really need souls, I’ll send those Dancers and all his extra friends to the soul factory.

True, but once I have my first mythic commons I won’t hesitate to disenchant duplicates. Every soul is welcome in my book.

I’m not concerned about a possible sixth rarity tier. Commons and rares (and maybe ultras) can be obtained pretty quickly over time.

Epics and Legendaries will be kept even after their mythic ascension.

I try to prep a week in advance for new troops to get them to level 5, sad i know but it is something, i am trying to maintain 3000 glory as well but it is not easy.

How active is your guild? Monday I went from 6,200 glory to 9,600 glory simply by opening the 1,800 glory keys saved up that week, some people sit on their keys but if your very low on glory (or have a fair amaount that’s just lower then you’d like) then I would burn through them to rank in glory.

On average I find that you pull in between 40-160 glory per 50 bundle of glory keys opened

Not very active in donations or trophies. They do happen to be active in other fields though. We have over 5k trophies so it is something. 30 day kick timer.

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who really cares about trophies as long as you get the 100% bonus from guild? donations way more important.

Surprisingly i use it to determine if the kids in my guild are growing properly before i kick them to higher guilds. The more trophies they have the better their resume is for getting into better guilds.

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