Level 1250 looking for active guild!

Hey there!!
I deposit 100k a day to tasks
Max my seals.
Like to get over 200 trophies
Buy tier 3 in events.
And on weeks with the mythic troop on fridays I like to help my guild out with seals. Going over the 1500max.

I was recently let go from the guild I was with for the past 2 years :frowning: they put me in other guild… but these people have really low requirements and get like 25kseals on average :frowning: and most people only deposit 50k to tasks :frowning:

Please, someone rescue me from this guild!!

Battle Cry would love to have you. 500k gold, max seals and 100 trophies is the minimum. We max seals and tasks weekly. PM pijunbrane if you’re interested.

Hunters of Gems would love to have you. Here is our discord info Hunters of Gems

Hey Zythe, quimby has a space just opened up if you’re interested?
Minimum reqs are 450k gold & all GW battles, we don’t set any other reqs for events as we like to have a life outside the game but we generally complete the events anyway for the hell of it! We always hit 40k seals & finish all tasks & could do with another good member.
If this sounds good please let me know either on here or PSN (same user name) :+1:t2: