Level 1,233 looking for relaxed guild

I am back after some longer timeout and am looking for a new guild with relaxed requirements.
I normally can fulfill everything, but I won’t play Guild wars as I simply dont like them.
Let me know if you want to know anything else.

Minion Machine (a younger guild of Mean Machine) is looking for players. No GW required, discord recommended (but optional). Low minimum reqs - 100k gold, 1000 seals, 200 trophies - anything above is up to you. We are a chatty mix of veterans and new players.

Discord Mean Machine Family ° Dwuemka#0513

The guild is open invite, so just search in the guild search for Minion Machine and say hi on guild chat :slight_smile:

What’s relaxed in numbers? The Golden Keep family has some spots open, maybe there’s something you’d be interested in. Feel free to join our Discord Server to have a look around.

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