Let's fill up guilds

Any guilds with less than ten players, can you give all members of that guild some resources.

And close the guilds down.

So that other guilds get filled up.

Having a thousand guilds, when 30k players don’t play.
Is dumb as .

There are many legitimate and active guilds with fewer than 10 players, some with only one.

I think guilds with active players should be left alone whether they have 1 player, 30 players or anywhere in between.

However, I am in agreement with you that the vast number of completely inactive guilds should be closed down and disbanded if they meet these two conditions:

  1. The guild is set to open join
  2. All members of the guild are inactive (all zzzz)

A guild should NOT be closed or disbanded if they meet these two conditions:

  1. The guild is set to invite only
  2. Anyone in the guild is an active player (no zzzz)

Doing these two checks would safeguard a guild with 1 or 2 players who may need to step away from the game to tend to real life issues without fear of losing their guild.