Leonis Empire Appears!

Or fan favorite empowered Mercy :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s who I would use :slight_smile:

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A mana cost of 9 doesn’t really beg for a dedicated generator all by itself, particularly with Empower also.


I was a bit surprised that it is an Armor kingdom. We had 3 attack, 4 magic, 8 life, and 8 armor, so it seemed like attack was due.

At one point we had five kingdoms with attack bonus, but the devs rebalanced that down to three before the 2.0 update. Still not quite sure why.

Skull Team spam


This is true but think of the stun spam you can do.

That’s under the assumption that you would only be using yellow for that troop. Use a generator with a yellow based team that includes manticore :slight_smile:

Right now (since I don’t have the legendary) I’m using Maw, Manticore, infernal King, and Mercy. I’ve been able to beat almost every team I face with it. Manticore is such a nice utility that it’s worth it, in my opinion, over Sheggra or bone dragon. Even though the red spawn by Infernal isn’t being used, I prefer him over other skull generators because of his color. Seems to work nicely for me anyways!

Were there any changes made to the Astral Spirit?

We haven’t touched Astral Spirit.

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I’ve finally updated my site.