Legends Reborn - Mist of Scales

:crystal_ball: It is decidedly so

Gah, dev hack.

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Only a week for this is ridiculous.

I completed all battles in past Legends Reborn events, but only did two play-throughs this time. I’ll use orbs to max out the pet instead.

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This is absolutely the worst part of it and part of why I only did two play-throughs this time. Too tedious.


On consoles, you’d think it’d be easier, since we’re using buttons instead of having multiple places to click, but they insist on using two buttons instead of one, so we’re actually in a similar place for how annoying and long-winded the process is. We all just want to be able to press one button and jump through all that stuff to any reward screen, then straight to the next battle. Not everyone would use that battle, and definitely not every time, but most people would use it a lot on repeated playthroughs of the story in legends reborn.


It should just stay two weeks long without any restriction on “when you can play on”. If you want to complete the shitshow of a event in one day, you should be able to do so.

I’m not at all interested in any of the comic book story. I’d maybe look at it, if available completely after completing all matches in full. But having to force click away everthing in multiple tedious clicks in multiple different locations while you only want to play some matches is just a idiotic setup. You either want to play, or read comic. Horrible.


I’m here today, just to kvetch about the clicking. This is as good a spot as any. :rofl:

On my last run through, I started trying to count up all of the clicks involved. I couldn’t manage it. I kept getting annoyed and impatient and would forget I was trying to keep a count. Ended up with an estimated total clicks count of 'way too @#$%ing many."

While they are trimming the clicks down they could also find a way to have the story itself only play once.


One problem is that when there is the “skip” button, it’s not to skip the entire scene. It’s just to skip the animation of the dialog. So you need to press twice to get out of the screen. Also, you have the initial screen, you jump to an animation for background info then goes back to the initial screen then to the enemy screen, the team selecting screen and then the proper battle. Those “skip” buttons are useless.

It’s the same on Campaign tasks screen. When you complete one and select to finish it, the “skip” button is available for less than a second so if you are not fast enough on the button smashing, you’ll need to see the entire animation.