Legends of the Fall

Originally published at: Legends of the Fall – Gems of War

New Epic Troop: The Fallen Knight The Fallen Knight will be available this week for 400 Glory in the shop as well as in Event Chests, and will appear in Glory, Gem, and Guild chests in 3-4 weeks’ time. New Doomed Weapon: Doomed Corseque This week it will be available in both the Tower of…


Hmm, still not a big fan of these changes. But worth a try I guess. :thinking:

Attackers only for now.

Has anyone actually pulled Two of Swords from Vault?



Can anyone confirm that the “temperance” card is actually available? As you well know, you can’t trust what is announced by the developers/moderators of the forum

It is


aka. those two Troops are shadowbanned from PVP defense teams, just like Dawnbringer got shadowbanned from old Arena.

The problem with Stellarix, at least compared to the 13 other Dragonite troops, is that Stellarix is the only one who creates Gems of a different matchable type, and can therefore trigger immediate matches upon spellcast. Every other Dragon (including Diamantina) only converted Gems from one type to a variation of that same type. But, otherwise, Stellarix is hardly unbeatable (one Web or Null Sphere cast will protect your from his DPS).

The problem with Wand of Stars is its propensity to trigger immediate matches upon spellcast and the amount of Mana generated by those matches (which statistically scales by a player’s Mana Surge chances). Whereas pre-nerf Chalcedony and friends were functionally “Kill an Enemy, refill my Mana and get an Extra Turn”, Wand of Stars is functionally “Explode the board, refill my Mana and get an Extra Turn”.

Then there’s the problem with Elementalist’s 3rd trait, which both Stellarix and Wand of Stars can reliably synergize with. Naturally, the obvious counter for looping teams is “just Freeze them” which is not wrong, but Elementalist gets access to Insulated AND Fortitude (meaning: no Freeze without Curse) AND Wand of Stars gets access to Bless (also meaning: no Freeze without Curse, but for the entire team).

I can respect that these problems appear deeply intertwined to the operation of the Dragon, the Wand, and the Class and that this may not be an easy thing to “just” change. But that does still open the door to the other criticism of “then why did they do it in the first place?”


They are potentially more easily obtainable win buttons than Zuul/Zuul v2 for new players to aim for and, of course, can generate revenue.