Legendary Task Revamp

But that doesn’t mean Legendary Tasks can’t get a second look. Right now they are so repetitive and without a clear goal. Gold gets put in but every Legendary Task is the same. I think the game could do better.

I propose a repeating 11 Stage system, where each task costs more than the last, till all 11 stages are complete, at which point it rolls back over to the first.

Each task would pick 3 unique rewards from the corresponding tables:


One of the reasons I believe Epic Tasks were introduced is to cut down on the number of mythics given out through Legendary Tasks because you can’t get them in Epic Tasks, but you have to complete all Epic Tasks to get to the LTs. As the devs said, Epic Tasks give Legendary Task “equivalent rewards” for the cost, but without some of the specific rewards, like troops.

This system replaces ~21 Legendary Tasks with 11 Goal-oriented stages: the goal being to get to better rewards. That means guilds on the lower end would still get things like Runic and Arcane Runes, but guilds on higher end would get less of those as they progress through the tasks (because higher Tables would drop them from the reward pool). For instance, in the case of Arcane Runes, they would have a chance of being a reward from Stage 1-5 only.

The way the rewards are handed out would be incredibly similar to the current system, where it chooses unique rewards. Stage 1 couldn’t give you 18 Arcane Runes, just as you can’t get that now. Instead it would roll for a reward, with the probabilities listed, then roll for a second one. If it’s already chosen, it rolls again, and so forth until all 3 rewards are chosen from the corresponding tables.