[Known Issue] When, oh when! When will the immortal bug get fixed?!

I suspect all platforms, but I use Steam on a PC laptop, and google on my phone

You pick a team in PVP that includes an immortal for the region, then later THAT DAY even, it’s no longer there. This is wholly annoying, and had been reported since day one of immortals… and YET!

When will this get fixed?


The crowning jewel in their pvp update. Absolute trash from the devs and they still not fixed it :clown_face::clown_face:


@AmazonJax. Never!!! Try copy and paste… :joy::joy: E ver and ever

I stopped using immortals ages ago as it’s just too annoying to have the team disappear all the time

Just so you guys know that if the immortal aligns with the restriction for that region it will not disappear.!! But yeah i agree definitely needs fixing and can imagine this is gonna be a issue for upcoming Guild War lets hope they thwart this bug before the next update.

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True, but that’s not how the immortals were advertised. They were all supposed to work properly in their assigned regions all the time, whatever the restriction; not every few weeks when enough people vote for the right restriction in the given region.


Dont sweat the small stuff, failing that vote with ya feet.

It wont. They dont fix things that dont directly impact profits at that second

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my work around … create a google sheets spreadsheet. (docs would work too but i like the organisation that spread sheets offer)
then paste the codes there. headings are

Team Code - Team - Use case

Not an option for those of us on console. We have to fill teamslots and copy from there, or remake teams each time we want to use them. Honestly, it’s rarely worth it, when (most) immortals aren’t that great anyway.
No idea why they didn’t just fix the code that removes unsuitable teams when they launched the immortals, as part of the same update, but either they don’t know their own game enough to realise they needed to, or they don’t care enough to make the stuff they add work properly, I guess.

True but ofter times the region immortals are WAY MORE POWERFUL than the ones that fit the restrictions. And that is why we use them.