[Known issue & Investigating] No gold mark bonus in regions on the day after the citadel battles

Platform, device version and operating system:
Android, Redmi Note 8T, Android 9 PKQ1.190616.001

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
Expected to get gold mark bonus in the winters reach and summer isle regions after completing the citadel battles on the previous day. Those did not appear, relogged several times up to no effect.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
First time for me, although some players reported similar issue in the alliance chat before.

Steps to make it happen again
Unknown, might be connected with me playing pvp during the day reset.

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If you haven’t yet, hit 1500 VP then restart the game.


There’s a visual bug, not sure if it’s been fixed, that sometimes shows the marks as silver but you actually get gold

covertmuffin123: got more in total and today
redtoadstool: no marks ares shown on both regions, still played 6 batlles in SI to check, no rewards, as expected
thanks for the suggestions

You need Legionary VIII (1500VP + 2 days loyalty) to be able to grab some gold marks, but that only works for the next! day and not current one. It’s btw the “alliance switch for gold marks” protection, so that you can’t switch to the winner and claim gold marks. (something that never happened anyway, because the system never worked, lol. >_>) - I’m with 355 VP today in the same boat, no gold marks for me. Boo!


Get 1500 today, restart the game and gold marks should appear (provided you did citadel guardian yesterday). They certainly did so previous season; this season should be the same, unless something has been secretly changed.

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Not to muddy the waters on this bug but…

Last week (previous season) I had one day where only one of the two kingdoms that should have had gold marks, did.

got to legionary 5 (20000 points) on monday, the day before the bug occured, and did not switch the alliance, so loyalty was not 0.
on wednesday bonus gold marks were added as usual, no issues

To the devs. Me spending maybe $30 on GoW in 2024 instead of $300 or $3000 is a visual bug on your side only. I assure you.

  • if Gold marks are actually supposed to be earned by all players then this “visual bug” needs to have the same priority as if all silver marks battles were giving players gold marks.
  • this 1500 vp threshold (which I literally just learned today existed) also needs to be removed because of this bug. If you can’t be bothered to explain these things in game then you have to have high enough quality assurance that things like this 100% work. Besides, the shop already has vp thresholds in place so if someone does exploit an issue that doesn’t actually exist then they can’t spend the gold marks on anything of worth while anyway.

All of this just feels like ways to mislead the platform publishers to believe gold marks can be earned for free more than they actually are.


@Dirijabll I suspect it has to do with the timing of reaching Legionary 7 - I’ve messaged a Designer to double check with them about when the gold mark bonus starts being available after you reach the requirements or when it’s intended to. I’ll add this info to the Help Center once it’s confirmed and make a bug report if it isn’t working as intended.

EDIT: Just realised I made an assumption based on your comment that you didn’t meet the Alliance rank requirements prior to last Monday, is that true? Or have you been receiving the gold mark region bonus correctly with your rank prior to last week?

@awryan This is on the community priority bug list, I believe I bumped it to near the top of the list before Christmas so we’ll repost the list for the team again before the bug fixing phase of the dev cycle to try to get this resolved.