[Known - Duplicate Report] New Trial Pet 1.000.000 Gems


Same for me, after finally beating 1st trial I couldnt even buy the pet cause it was 1.000.000 gems.
How are we gonna get it then ? Can only buy it after the match

How on Earth did you manage to beat the 1st Trial?

I have tried various techniques but most I have killed is 2 troops. Getting nowhere.

Never seen anything remotely close to 1000000 gems - made me laugh out loud when I saw this in the previous trial!

Any advice greatly received. Cheers.

Lyrical, are a new player? If you are low on stats will be even harder than it is for an end game player. People are considering using GAPs for it.


We posted about this recently here:

We have also created a Known Issues article, which you can follow if any updates are made and you miss them on the forum. https://gemsofwar.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/6854558620943-Trials-Offer-Purchase

I will close this thread as it is a duplicate report of an ongoing issue.