Yup it is. I thought it might have been level related until I saw one of @Tacet’s videos where everyone was being slaughtered with 1 attack and I thought, “No way that works on consoles.” and nope. The enemy stats are higher. It’s all part of the package I’m trying to put together.
The problem with checking PvP is that it’s entirely possible and likely that your opponent has the same kingdoms maxed out, especially if you’re at a high level.
Yes this is true but in revenge it would be easier to check. the chances that 3 people maxxed the same kingdom as you at the same time is highly improbable and extremely unlikely.
I have all kingdoms maxed though none to level 5. It’s easier for me to compare things from challenges than PvP since people I face would likely have everything maxed out too.
PvP teams on PC/mobile have stats according to the defender’s bonuses. I just fought a Gorgotha with 13 attack, which would not be the case if it inherited my bonuses.
Yup on ps4 here and just tested this by doing pvp wrote down stats of ten pvp challenger teams , stats then got three Kingdoms from 9 to 10 with 40, 000 gold each to get skillponts .
Did pvp challenge and same pvp challengers with ‘‘meh’’ same skillpoints boosts i just paid 40,000 gold each.…….Arrrrrggghhh.._me upset.
Aaaargg it seems leveling kingdom for skillpoints bonus is pointless.
I.E. My Kingdom ketar at 9 gives armor bonus at 10.
I check a enemy gorgotha stats in revenge match before upgrade to my Kingdom and enemy gorgotha is armor 18 then i back out of revenge match and check a second enemy sheggra with 23 armor back out
Then my gloom leaf that is armor 20
Ok now edo Kingdom upgrade and my gloom leaf gets armor 21
I check the revenge match a few seconds later and enemy gorgotha is armor 19 and second enemy revenge match with a sheggra with 24 armor a few seconds later .
Conclusion if you get a global Kingdom skillpoints upgrade then the enemy gets a global Kingdom skillponts upgrade
So the bug right now is its pointless to level any Kingdom for skillpoints.
Question can we ask for the millions of gold to be refunded?
I don’t think that is going to happen,
If you look on the bright side Imagine how easy the battles will be IF this fixed.
IN addition Please look at Mana surges on consoles, to verify that your surge and your guilds are not being added to the enemy. If read a couple of posts awhile back when everyone was lower level that top guild players indicated that the AI was surging way more than it should
The problem being the plus 5 armor is also given to the enemy pvp teams rendering it pointless
I.E. Your gloom leaf armor plus 5 and enemy pvp teams gloom leaf armor plus 5 makes the millions of gold spent pointless
Imagine if instead i had purchased gold keys with this gold? Lets see its several thousand keys representative of a lot of troop pulls, ascension to mythic for all plus glory, souls and gems.
So i hope this either gets fixed or a refund or something since i am not happy at wasted gold on nothing .
Enemy mana surges are way higher than what they are supposed to be so it even renders leveling up the hero pointless
On second contemplation i am tempted to just quit playing.
Check enemy level is close to your hero level
Add a test card i.E. Fully traited gloom leaf versus Fully traited gloom leaf
Watch mana surges and enemy will fill faster
But all moves must be mirrored to observe.
I.E. Enemy 3 green then you three gems , repeat and watch enemy get more mana surges than you do.