Kingdom Bonuses Guide (updated to 2.0)

@kzintiwife, i hots my files on google drive or onedrive. You just need a gmail or outlook account.

New printable version with Leonis Empire

Modified: adding white space to the right and down for eventual notes.


Nice work, @KAYA43V3R! Love the new version. :smiley:


can i get multiple kingdom stat bonuses for leveling them up to 10? I get a damage bonus from wild plains. Can i get the damage bonus from wild plains and the health bonus from groshnak at the same time or does it have to be your home kingdom?

You get all reached bonuses from all kingdoms. It is not related to your home kingdom.


Your home kingdom - only doubles the tribute from a kingdom. when someone attacks you - they get trait stones based on your home kingdom :slight_smile:

Is there an up to date one, with silverglade in itā€¦ and preferable starcrest?

EDIT: Following the link in the original post, itā€™s right here:

If you select all the entries in the table and then right click and print (in chrome), you can play with the print settings (no margins and scale 60%) to fir the whole table on one A4 sideā€¦