Kingdom Bonuses Guide (updated to 2.0)

Ok i’ll try to do an excel one.
But I like when things are pleasant visually, so a little patience

@Robert, for this spreadsheet, you want only tribute or you need gold incomes from kingdoms…?
In that case the incomes increase with kingdom level & stars, but i don’t know the basis incomes for each kingdoms.

Adana level 1 = xxx gold
level 2 = xxx
level 3 = xxx

does anyone know this…?

i know this: quest = +25 gold and basis +20 (but my kindom are level 10…level 1, basis = +20 gold…???)

I have a work in progress if anyone is interested, on my site:

Doesn’t have banner info or 2x tribute info yet, or links to related stuff like troop lists, but it’s a start – and should stay in sync as I update the site with new stuff.


I was thinking solely for tribute to ascertain what someone can expect on average each log in - discarding any daily bonuses etc.

It would take a lot more time tarting it up to your standard than creating the calcs :slight_smile:

Maybe it would help if I sent on the base calc for you to fix and complete? Could do it if I have time after work

ok just send me a pm with a dl link (onedrive, googledrive, …), if you have a base it would help sure

@Robert I hope it pease you :wink:

Excel only (some function don’t work otherwise)
you can download it


Enjoy :yum:


Great stuff, very efficient, didnt even give me enough time to finish work so i could help :laughing:

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That would be good, because everyone don’t have Excel
Good luck @Lyya

I was thinking of doing and quick and dirty version of this for myself this very morning (just to get a sense of what level of tribute I could expect on average). Thanks so much!

Question for you: the ‘stars’ column has options for 0 to 5. Does this mean that “0” is actual one white star and the 50 bonus for achieving that is in the base gold number? I think you would actually need 7 options to capture all of the possibilities…

Also, there seem to be some weird interactions between star #'s and tribute. For example, with Adana at 0 stars, it shows no tribute amounts. With any other number of stars, the correct base tribute appears (175 gold, 2 glory, 4 souls). The double tribute reward doesn’t appear at 1 gold star or above. Other kingdoms have some weird stuff too. Groshnak shows 45 gold for tribute with zero stars. The Gold tribute column seems to be increasing for power level stars, when it should be just the Gold income amount. I haven’t checked all the cells, but I think you need to check your formulas.

Ok my bad ,I forget to expand formula in L4 to the entire colum.
But i don’t understand: [quote=“Stan, post:70, topic:1047”]
with Adana at 0 stars, it shows no tribute amounts
The tributes come when you achieve level 10 with 0 stars…?
if the level is <10 do you earn any tributes?
I can correct but i don’t remember some point, all my kingdom are level 10.
This is the formula in tribute for adana

Data!C3 = 175

translate: (if stars >=0 and Level =10 then Tribute = 175) + (if stars >=1 and level >=1 then tribute=175)

Isn’t it right…?

Hmm Groshnak tributes for gold =0 …you find 45…???
probably because i forget to expand formula

Ok I update for the formula in tributes colum, waiting if you find something wrong…

I believe the base tribute is always there regardless of stars or level. Increasing level increases %chance. 1 gold star doubles tribute. 3 gold stars doubles chance.

ok so formula must be:


??? right…???

Sorry can you translate please?

The chance of getting a tribute is determined mostly by kingdom level. Once a kingdom is unlocked, it is level 1 and has a 1% chance of delivering the tribute amount each time tribute is checked. As the levels are increased, the % chance of receiving tribute increases to a maximum of 10% at level 10. Independent of that, the kingdom power level (measured by stars) can double the tribute chance at 3 gold stars. So, the % chance can be anywhere from 1 to 20% depending on the combination of BOTH kingdom levels. The tribute amount starts at a base of whatever combination of gold, glory and souls, and is doubled when one gold star is achieved.

I’m not sure how to translate that into a single formula. If it was me, I would do it with more columns. One to determine the base probability of tribute (dependent on kingdom level 0 to 10, doubled if power level >= 3 gold stars) and a second to determine the eligible tribute (doubled if power level >=1).

si level >0 et stars >=0 tribute = 175 + si level >0 et stars >=1 tribute =175

If it were me, I would separate the two issues. I would calculate and display both the probability of receiving tribute by kingdom and the expected value of tribute. Then by muliplying one by the other, you would get the expected value of tribute per tribute check by kingdom, which could be summed up to give a global expected tribute.

I don’t take care about % of chance, it’s just the total actualy

Then the kingdom level is irrelevant to you and this doesn’t solve Robert’s problem.

If stars<1 tribute=175; if stars >=1 tribute=175*2

Assuming 175 is the base value

@kaya43v3r is it ok if I change your excel to include tribute chance? Then we can use it to calculate the average that we can expect each time we get a tribute. And multiply it by a defined amount of log ins a week to get a weekly value