Ketras seems weak

Maybe not from a “canon” point of view, if anyone really cares about that, but it would give him some great synergies that would make him much more viable.

I haven’t gotten him yet (or tried), but I agree he seems underwhelming. Traits are garbage, spell costs an insane amount do to so little, etc.

A suitable buff that also fits the lore would be to also hit a random enemy for the same damage. Otherwise, we’re just tweaking numbers until its an easier one-hit-kill move, and anyone who wants that can still use an untraited Maw instead. That being said, the numbers probably still need tweaking.

Ratio to 2:1, cost to 20 or 22 depending on whether it does that other thing too, change the first two traits into almost anything else useful. Trait could also add Magic, close enough to Maw’s anyhow. Nerf Famine while we’re at it since that’s the logical comparison and we all know which is better.

Worth noting that we’re comparing this to other Mythics and top-tier Legendaries, so it should be along the same lines as anything else mentioned, not this far behind.


I really like this idea. No other troop does something like it, so it feels appropriately mythic.

You’re right! And if he could deathnark and freeze on skull dmg, then he might even measure up to a… Coommon?! Wraith does what!? :wink:

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The best base mythics, in my opinion, are the ones that are situational, even niche, but really fun and unique in their area of strength. Wulfgarok is nearly perfect in this regard. Pharos-Ra is also great because he’s hard to charge but devastating once the souls and mana are pouring into him. Famine is a little overpowered (he should cost more to cast), Death is risky but potentially comical, so they are decent in their roles as well. Jotnar is already interesting and will get better with more giant troop and hero class availability.

Draakulis is still basically dominated by Crimson Bat, who has a similar and cheaper spell, and arguably even a better third trait. Abynissia is also somewhat dominated - nice third trait, but her summon and explode are typically not worth the cost versus other troops that summon or transform/explode.

Can’t speak to War or Plague, as I don’t have them, but I hardly see them used and I’m not sure what I would do with them.

Problem with draak isnt his spell (which is an awesome spell), problem is his lame traits. Death ward is good, less skull damage, why not, but third trait should be something like “steal 2 damage from a random enemy on 4/5 match (2 true damage to the enemy and raise draaks hp by 2)”. Problem with aby is that she is way to expensive for an exploder.

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Jotnar has problems of his own though with his maximum damage capping out at just above 60, and that is with all troops barriered and all being giants (being mostly singleminded damage dealers with meh synergy and little reliable board control) making it hard to actually spread barrier to the whole team.
This results in relatively clunky slow teams to utilize Jotnars spell fully, with Jotnar already being unable to onehit most troops with event troop bonuses(25%,50%), and even some completely maxed out troops with all player/guild bonuses active, something that will only get amplified with future possible increases of health.

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Draakulis’s spell and trait make him a supposed tank, but I just don’t feel it since he blocks three mana colors. I’d be curious to find out what would happen if his third trait worked like Carnex’s but used life, with a different boost ratio (25% seems it would be much too strong). Then there’s a much stronger incentive to fire the spell immediately, balanced against the need not to block mana.

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Bit off topic but I’m surprised there isn’t a trait that reduces magic / casting damage.