Kafka's Curiosity: What's to love?

I have been in a ton of different guilds. My playstyle has varied from very hardcore to casual, so naturally one guild alone did not work. I find a lot of players play a lot for a time, get tired of it, quit maybe for a while, and then return. I met many returning players in several guilds, who were gone for months or even years and came back. I enjoyed being in different guilds and meeting a large amount of different players and seeing how different guilds are run. I think it is important to be in a guild that suits your playstyle and also your time zone.
At the moment though most guilds are really struggling to keep full. There are far too many half-dead guilds in the game, or new guilds started without any thought to how it will affect players. It will be good if the guilds can be cleared out a bit and older dead guilds are removed. Ingame chat is just a constant struggle for guild recruiters all day long.

What would bring joy back to the game? Less extreme RNG with really high prices attached. (Referring mostly to the Gem and Cosmic Dragons here).

More expansion for endgamers. Like adding more Kingdom Power Levels to reach for. These levels much be reachable though and not take 6 years like with books. Make books more readily available too. At a stage in the game every player reaches a level where they can not really make any more progress and a shortage of books stops them. Perhaps create a new World - we have the Krystara, then the Underworld - how about going up to another dimension? With new Kingdoms entirely. However as one of the major complaints I see everywhere is that all new content is now heavily pay-gated, not all new progress levels should be paid content.

I know it must be hard to balance adding new content for endgamers and making it viable for newer players to catch up - but from what I hear new players make much faster progress these days than say two years or more ago. They have early access to mythics and books due to the new PVP system, plus tons of resources due to Vault weekends, so adding more content for endgamers is fine. Otherwise your loyal endgamers will get bored and leave.

Actually I suggest adding books to all guild event rewards. This will help solve the book problem and make guild events worthwhile. Most guilds slog through events with no enthusiasm as they do not need the rewards anymore.

This guy has some very imaginative ideas for expansion in his thread: Fan update 8.1

I think players need to accept the game has evolved and cannot turn back to what it was 5 years ago.

I appreciate all the effort that went into the new PVP system and I am enjoying it a lot. Thanks.

Oh been around the game for 3 years now, but took a break in the middle…level 1608. All Kingdoms are on Power Level 20. Have a few on PL 30. Cannot make any more progress except with books.