June Event Calendar

Originally published at: June Event Calendar – Gems of War

Things are heating up in Krystara! Let’s take a look at what lies ahead in June. The main events of note for the month are: 2nd of June – Whitehelm Kingdom Pass ends 7th of June: Mythic Troop release 7th – 9th: Fell Roost Expanded Faction weekend 10th – New Campaign, The Ice Knight’s Sword,…


That Mist of Scales Journey event is going to be very sketchy at best.

There’s not much else to say and that’s probably a good thing.

Edit: Wouldn’t Zaejin be Amanithrax? Why is The Warrens being shown on the calendar?


You are right. Zaejin faction should be Amanithrax not the Warrens.