Journey event points

The points necessary to finish the event is way too high considering the following:

  • Troop and weapon restrictions
  • Journey troop requirement to score but offers no advantage against the enemy
  • Players loose points the more turns they make. I don’t believe the rewards points factor that at all.
  • Nothing allows the players to scale with the enemy since any star boosts battles are offered only for lesser miles battles 80% of the time. And magic boosts are more rare than finding a mythic troop from a gold chest or none existent at all.
  • Meanwhile the defense teams tend to have summoners or a way to make sure the battle takes even longer than it should.

I know you want people to play your game and the longer the better from the designer stand point. But none of Journey translates to fun and if scoring isn’t scaled back then I’ll advise my guild not to buy into the event with real money or gems since the time to rewards ratio is out of wack.

Currently I have to convince 29 others to stop hunting for gnomes which is actually fun. To instead focus on doing 2,000 miles more a piece of a not fun grind fest for the carrot that is super rare resources.

Gems of War currently causes unnecessary descension between players goals when ultimately it should be a bonding factor of fun.
And I’m a leader of an above average activity level guild. So I can only imagine this event for less active guilds which house the majority of your player base and playing customers.


While i disagree that the journey troop doesnt offer an advantage (it absolutely does, being able to loop indefinitely), I do agree with everything else, especially the average score needed to complete the event. It would be nice if there was some positive scaling in the score (instead of negative like it is now, since you lose points for longer battles/losing troops which happens more often at higher levels) OR at least lower the score requirements just a little. Even making the average score needed 9,500, just 1,000 points lower than it is now, would make a HUGE difference to my opinion of journey.


While using the required troop helps, the loop is not infinite in every battle, and even if it was, how boring! If I didn’t have rope dart to halve the enemies’ stats, I would have stopped playing this event after Tuesday.

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Only about 1/3 of my guild will have enough resources play the anount of battles needed to get all rewards. Our overall rank is 239 and most of us play every day. It is disheartening for the lower level players in the guild. It definitely does not encourage more playing.

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I just find Journey incredibly boring. Enemies scale up pretty quickly and even though ive figured out ways to loop indefinetely its just incredibly time consuming. Even with Rope Dart to destroy armor it still takes forever. After 1 or 2 fights my eyes start to cross. It also has deeds and books in rewards so they make it extra poopy to pass up on.


Whoever designs these events should play them like a normal player with a normal account would have to.

I don’t think they understand how long and boring this gets. Which is the main problem this game has - no one on the developer side actually plays this game. And on top of that they think that the forum doesn’t represent the general player base.

To an extent, that might be true. Many players will give up sooner than we do. We fight longer, both in the game and on the forums. We’re giving feedback that would help to make the game better for everyone.

The average player will just stop playing if they find the game to be more of a job than a fun hobby or distraction.