Thanks for sharing, guys.
What you describe looks slightly different, and the error message makes more sense in such circumstances. But I never accessed my GoW account on mobile, I only play on my computer and with a wired connection, so it’s a bit weirder to me. I also didn’t have an Internet disconnection at the time, even a brief one, I’m pretty sure.
Usually, if my Internet goes down during a game, it will lag and eventually resume once the connection is back up. Maybe this is what happens if there is a server disconnection at the exact moment between the Victory screen and what triggers the rewards?
This is exactly as it happened to me, except that instead of the battle disappearing as though it never happened, instead it counted as a loss (but I suspect this is specific to the Arena). I’m also on a computer and also have the regular “Error - Timed out” issue which most often goes away after a few Alt+Tab: Game Crashes Randomly
In any case, I’m glad it seems to be a pretty rare issue. Also, as the devs said in the other thread, those issues should improve with 1.0.9. I was mostly curious about this specific version. =)