Issues with the game? Click here for a response from the devs! (Parody)

And please don’t get it twisted - I :heart: this game. Been playing for a little over a year now and it scratches every itch I have. Any ST:tNG fans can appreciate when I say this is the game Riker brought back that almost destroyed the Enterprise. So my razzing of the devs comes from the heart. Bring GW back. Or don’t. Screw up Alliance. Release more RNG troops. Seven new currencies. Here’s one for ya - “Libraries” or 100 Books to level up a kingdom. Whatever you want to do imma keep playing. Just don’t give up on this game. I’m not giving up on y’all.


lol Check in again, in about 5 years or so. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Also, shhhhhh on that library idea. It sounds like something that could actually happen. haha