Is this Slime out of control?

I find this team a little slow, and i prefer this one:

I’m running:

Shadow Dragon
Emperina (Cause I don’t have Sheggra)

I’ve only tested it a couple times since the Slime adjustment, and it still runs smoothly.

I’m running

A little slow honestly though

Green Seer can’t get an extra turn without any greens on the board, so I moved Shaman in front of Seer. I also hate missing a color, so I added a little red with Staff of Madness. Being fed by Slime while stealing magic, the staff can do some ridiculous damage. Stealing magic once it does 11 damage to all enemies, or 44 damage if the enemy still has four left.

I’ll let you guys know tomorrow how the Shaman does in my Goblin team :smile:

Any thoughts out there? Anyone think the slime has lost its value?

I just vsed a Shaman Slime team and actually had it loop against me for a while. Nothing really happened but it can evidently still do that. I mean, its basically the first time I’ve seen it, but I assume this was worse before.

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@KAYA43V3R Tried the combo 3 times. : Slime, Sherman, Seer, Keeper of soul Won all the fight, but twice slime was killed right away and had hard time using keeper of soul to wipe out opponents. It’s good combination, but i would need to carefully handle the game not to lose Slime… SO, for me 3 shaman and slime works better though very slow. :smile:

Slime hasn’t really lost it’s value because of one less gem generation.
And if the Shaman is what held Slime’s value, it wasn’t really worth much to begin with.

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I only faced three Goblin teams, all with Shaman, and lost to one. Didn’t face any Slime teams.

Faced some Goblin Teams, and one Slime-Shaman teams.

No problem with any of them.

So far the changes seemed to have helped… Running into a few slimes (and shaman combos) myself but not seeing them loop excessively… Slime and Venoxia is still risky to fight against, but doesn’t feel broken…