[Investigating] Xbox - Game crashes randomly now and also cliffy errors

Platform, device version and operating system: Xbox Series X

Screenshot or image: Crashed do dashboard

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
The game does not crash

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Ever since the last update, the game just closes to dashboard. I can be playing under spire, PVP, collecting rewards, looking at PVP. opening mail. It’s terrible. Also, I just stared getting cliffy errors during battles.

Steps to make it happen again
Its random, playing the game.

I just had another crash in PVP, the AT team killed a troop with skulls, then the game closed.

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Error Code 0101-0000 all the time. First few attempts I was able to re-enter the game. But now it wont let me enter the game

Same on (NS) PvP, so many fights lost!

Let’s keep this thread XBOX specific as if you are every CLIFFY error is a unique code, and having already been investigating this issue for other XBOX players - I know it is not the same as what is being reported on Switch @Diamond

If you are experiencing this on Switch and haven’t sent a ticket in or made it’s own thread, being sure to include a screenshot, then please do so and I’ll get to it when I can.

@Beg this is something I have been looking into with the dev team, as I have had another player experience the same but they couldn’t even load in.

Can you share the error you are getting so I can see what data it brings up, to pass on.

Most of the crashed is with no errors. Game instantly closes. When I get an error code, I will record it. I did a fresh uninstall and reinstall today. I have not played much yet. But I will soon.

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Thanks so much, the crashing with no error is also what I have seen as well. So any information on both, would be amazing.

Also your invite code please!

After the uninstall and reinstall, I have not had a crash in a decent amount of game play.


Game version: 8.3.0r69654

If you get a crash again, can you send through a ticket - cos I’ll have some follow up questions

I put in a ticket.