[Investigating] Pvp wins not rewarding 50 gold marks, only rewarding 11

Platform, device version and operating system: xbox series x

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What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
I was expecting to receive 50 gold marks for winning 5 pvp battles in the designated region like i did on may 29th. However, i only received 11 gold marks for the win.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
This has happened in every region. It began happening today

Steps to make it happen again


13 Gold Marks from Central Spire, but yes 11 from the other 4- Maraji Expanse, Broken Lands, Ancient Khet and Bay of Stars

This is now, probably, working as intended. The gold marks given as bonus would scale with the amount of people in the alliance. The more people, the less gold marks.
So, prepare for the numbers to go down to about 10 gold marks when everyone has hopped over to the purple team.

I’m just amazed how quickly this issue got fixed, when all other super annoying ones linger on for weeks.
Would have loved to have this bug last a little longer


No gold marks no play! humming Bob Marley

You shouldn’t be. It’s a business, and businesses will almost always rectify errors that hurt them more quickly because not doing so costs them.

It’s unfortunate, but it’s a perfectly rational action from their point of view. Not that this will stop the usual suspects from their outcry…

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The 50 was the bug not the 11

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Technically, you don’t know that. It seems likely, but since they still won’t communicate and refused to state the actual values in the original communication, we have no idea what was intended, what is bugged, what’s been changed and where it should be now. It’s possible that 11 is bugged and it should be 20, even if 50 was also bugged, but it’s also possible 50 was the correct value at the time and they saw how many players were claiming it and retconned it. With such poor communication, it’s impossible to know what is bugged, so bug reports like this (saying “this has changed and it might be a bug”) are needed. Either the devs realise there’s a bug and fix it, or they realise players don’t know what “working as intended” looks like now and tell us… or (more likely) they continue to ignore us and leave us to work it out ourselves.


It’s almost like that is on purpose.