[Investigating] PvP Shop Cliffy Error

*Nintendo Switch

Screenshot or image:

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
System showed that PvP Burning Marks was able to be purchased. Forgot that I already bought 4 packages earlier in the week. {No Weekly Purchases Remaing Desc} Refrence nae : PvP Burning Mark Pack Weekly Limit:4

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Every Time I sign in.

Steps to make it happen again
Just log in.

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@Virikas can you please tell me what one of the CLIFFY errors is?

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“{No Weekly Purchases Remaining Desc} Reference nae : PvP Burning Mark Pack Weekly Limit:4” is the only thing that shows up as soon as the game boots up. and then everything is frozen.

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ah ok, so the error doesn’t say “CLIFFY”?

Can you please tell me your invite code if you know it or if you don’t, your hero name, guild name and level (even if it’s just a rough guess at level)?

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Character Name: Lady Luck
Guild: Vas Lovagrend
Level: 1336
(My wife’s Character. Trying to help her.)

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Thanks looking into it now for you!
I’ve removed the Switch code from your post for privacy :slight_smile:

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Thank you :slight_smile:

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Just to give you a bit of a time frame: one of the programmers got back to us and said he’s able to take a look after lunch. It’s currently 10:30am here.

We’ll do our best to get this resolved as quickly as possible for your wife, and we’ll also try to make sure it can’t happen again.

Sorry for the issue and for the wait. The team is in lite mode due to how close we are to the holidays but we’re doing our best to make this a high priority so we can get it resolved today before Christmas.

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Thank you so much. She did reply with a question if Devs have the power to remove a player for the guild since she can not get on to do it. (Not sure if that is possible).

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I’ve asked Jeto to reply to the support request about that one :slight_smile:

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@Virikas this should be fixed now can you please ask Lady Luck to check and confirm for us?

Still following up on making sure it’s prevented from happening at all for anyone in future but on the case!

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The error message still shows up but she is able to play now.


And it froze on her again

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ah you’re kidding :frowning:

Did she purchase anything in the PvP shop before it happened again?

Let me know or reply to the support request if you’d like to discuss it privately instead.

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No she didn’t. She was just in the guild section.

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get her to try again now please

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It keeps trying to give her the purchase that caused all this. And then the error code happens. She is able to move around but we will see if it eventually freezes on her.

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She says thank you and hopefully it will be fine tomorrow :slight_smile: So far looks like it might be fixed.


A post was split to a new topic: [Reported] Cliffy error trying to start battle