[Investigating] PS4 Angel Gift Canceled By a Cliffy error

PS4 latest Firmware and Gems of War version…

Invite code is GRIM_2

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:

I was exploring and then Mercy showed up offering me 100 Decrees or Chaos Shards…
I clicked on the Decrees, I expected to get them and got a Cliffy error so i did not get anything …

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?

Cliffy error happen a lot, it seems to be a server error, it took away from me Citadel Sigils among other stuff …

You really should work on it instead of adding updates just because you want to add a pay option …

After nine years playing Gems of War, I’ve never seen such an amount of unfair bugs …
I know it happens to everyone but it’s no excuse …


Sadly, there are so many unfixed bugs. I’ve lost a few citadel battles, victory talismans , PVP sigils etc. due, to the game crash or cliffy. Now I’ve tried to open a game chat and nothing, color circles are spining for over few minutes - will have to restart game and will loose a TOD battle one the first floor :frowning:


They will ask for your invite code if you want to proactively avoid their first response being “please provide your invite code”

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If I contact support they have a form asking for it right away.
But I edited my post here to begin with, I won’t cry for 100 Decrees but the unfairness got me mad …


All good if you’re just venting I get it.

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Hello :slight_smile:

Please provide a screencapture of the CLIFFY Error code. This is as the error code will help pinpoint what exactly the issue in your case was.

If anyone else is also able to confirm that this issue is also happening them on other platforms, it would be greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

In the meantime, I’ll let the development team know about this issue.

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I’m sorry but I can’t provide a screenshot, it was this afternoon and I didn’t make a screenshot of it, the game restarted right away …
So if it means I won’t get those 100 Decrees well nevermind.
But with my invite code you should be able to check my profile history ?
Also on PS when you get a CLIFFY it’s usually saying just ‘‘CLIFFY’’ no error code (I don’t think so perhaps am I wrong)

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100 decrees isn’t much but we got a lot of Cliffy errors and that’s getting old …


Agreed. At least now I have a second step to give new incoming reports. “Do you have a screenshot?”

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Hello :slight_smile:

CLIFFY Errors always come with a code/string of numbers and letters.

And unfortunately checking for said error code from your profile history is not something I’m able to do.

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:person_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :woman_facepalming:
Why did I expect this ?

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Am sick and tired of the “Cliffy” big and today l had it twice and didn’t even get to battle a Guardian! This has been happening on PS4 for many months and is very frustrating. When do you think it will be fixed?

@Bobo your error data is showing this happened because your account couldn’t locate your opponent, so it threw an error - which should have resolved once you defeated your next opponent.

If you get another CLIFFY error again, if you send through a ticket one of the CX can follow up further as it seems like a different issue to what is being reported in this thread - until anyone else shares further CLIFFY errors, exactly as they appear in-game (written or screenshot)