[Investigating] Please tell me my Hourly Income (e.g. Souls) didn't ACTUALLY count towards Exalted Path tasks?

Platform: Switch, 8.3.x

Description: So, one of today’s daily Exalted Path tasks was “Earn Souls from any battle (100)”.

However, I was notified of completing this task NOT after completing a battle, but after leaving my game on suspend for ~1 hour and collecting the next hourly income/tributes (which included roughly +200 Souls).

Did I just see that correct? No game mode other than Underspire and PVP ever counts toward the “Glory”-based tasks, but a Task that specifically says “earn Souls from battles” will also count Souls earned not from battles but from hourly income!?

(Not that I’m upset or anything, just confused.)

For comparison, my daily kill quota at that time stands at “only” 92 kills (with not a single one of them from any Necromancy team) meaning I have only earned 92 souls from battling, not 100.

I do have a video and screenshots available upon request (just need to offload them from the Switch first), but going forward I will be paying closer attention the next time a Souls task (daily or campaign) pops up. Souls and Gold always felt a little on the easy side to complete the tasks for, but this is the first time I think there might be evidence of an actual bug going on here.

Since a recent update I often find pop-ups for completing tasks and leveling up PvP ranks don’t appear immediately. Instead, they trigger later at certain points, like opening menus or exiting and re-entering certain areas.
It’s possible you earned enough souls via battles, but the game didn’t do the pop-up, then when you collected the tribute, it showed the pop-up.
Then again, if you can be sure you didn’t kill enough troops, it’s worth further testing and possibly checking if it’s bugged. I mean, it doesn’t really matter, since you’ll just be getting challenges done sooner than expected, but if the challenges are bugged it might affect other stuff too.


Bonus souls from armor, purple guardian (guild) and Moon moon (pet). 92 kills should be more than enough to get 100 souls. It sounds like the bug is the popup not appearing when it should have.


Sounds like a legit potential explanation…

Today’s Daily tasks also include 100 Souls just like yesterday, and after approximately 60 kills the Daily screen says it’s completed, but I have not received a popup either.

Total bonus in this regard (as shown on my profile page) is +97%, so yeah, I should be able to trigger it by about 50 kills.

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Hello, I am new here.

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Okay, today includes a Souls task so I was finally able to test it out:

  • Checked the Dailies screen: 48 souls after 25 kills
  • Collected some Hourly Income (total: ~700 Souls)
  • Re-checked the Dailies screen: still says 48 souls

So, looks like this really IS a case of a delayed notification, nothing actually awry.

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