Fwiw, I believe this has now been mostly fixed as of the last update (thread title can be updated?).
However, a small artifact remains, where the “Extra Turn” text doesn’t appear where the 4+ match was created until the next action occurs (which has the potential to be confusing).
This fix was not specifically mentioned in the patch notes, or would have fallen under:
or could have been related to:
Example 1
Enemy Fire Bomb finishes turn with a skull match.
Green Gem creation in middle-left of board results in Blue 4-match, however no “Extra Turn” text is displayed.
Text is then displayed after the resolution of the next match – 3-Green Gem match in the bottom-right corner.
Example 2
Green Gem creation at top of board results in 4-skull match, however no “Extra Turn” text is displayed.
After a brief wait, 3 Blue Gems are matched on the left-hand side, and the “Extra Turn” text pops up at the previous 4-match location as this new match is resolved, despite there being no new 4-match created.