[Investigating] Mana Potion explosions are freezing the game again!

Platform, device version and operating system: Steam, Windows 11

Screenshot or image:

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened: I expected this to not happen anymore, since I thought/hoped it was fixed for good. It happened. I had to retreat because I couldn’t do anything!

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Hadn’t happened in a while, but even once is too many times when you think it’s fixed for good.

Steps to make it happen again
Why would I want to make something so irritating happen again? :wink: I would imagine playing more areas with the potions would make it happen again, what else?

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Doesn’t look like the same issue. The old issue still allowed you to make moves on the board, it didn’t freeze the board with lots of missing gems.

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Yeah, maybe. My game just randomly froze again, but this time, I’m losing a Citadel battle because of it. :angry:

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The same thing happened to me today with Pharaoh Kafru Citadell War!!

How abour removing mana potions. I like my battles to last under 5 minutes.

Yeah, it’s especially bad with goblin teams.

Hello :slight_smile:

Thank you for the screencapture.

As this issue requires further investigation, please answer some quick questions:

  • Please confirm if this screencapture happened in PVP?
  • How did the potion match happen?
  • Which weapon did you use?

Hmm…is there a hero present on enemy team? Check. How many game modes (other than PvP) feature a hero on enemy team? Probably, every single one and then some more, if there’s a need of further confirming and specifying.

Is there any troop that creates potions present? No. Is there any weapon that creates potions present? No. In what game mode (outside of PvP) potions may appear “naturally” without a troop or a weapon specifically creating them? Probably, every single one and then some more so we are in dire need of further confirming and specifying.