Information Gathering - Team Scores

Before the guild updates the hero’s masteries and guild masteries were on a sliding scale of diminishing returns between about 5 and 3 I believe. We used 4.33(reoccuring) as the multiplier and this gave a pretty accurate amount. Since 2.1 and the guild update this has changed. I’m not sure what the multiplier for guild bonuses are (since the numbers go a lot higher) though my theory is that it bottoms out a lot lower than before (at close to 1 point per mastery increase at higher levels). I’m unsure if the hero masteries have changed their multiplier or not, but they seem similar.

It’s unlikely that mastery formula is based on surge chance as @sirrian has mentioned it was a resonably basic formula before, though it has changed since 2.1.

EDIT: What might be useful for people to post is if they’re about to finish a guild task that would level up a guild statue, to look at team scores before an after, and post the difference, and the level change of the statue in question.

My theories/assumptions at the moment are these:

  • Kingdom levels do not affect team power except when you hit level 10 and get the 40 points from the skill bonus.

  • Hero Masteries (ie points per hero level) are on the same scale as before, so a multiplier of 4.33r should still function.

  • Guild Masteries have a different diminishing returns multiplier which is as of yet unknown (and what I was hoping to find out in my Team Power 2 thread, but there didn’t seem much interest).

  • Card power is still calculated the same (level35+numRarirtyAboveCommon25+(traits^2*50))
    Skill points give 40 points per increase (eg 4 armour from a guild statue gives you 160 team power while active.

The point that needs confirming is whether 5 (and 7) starring a kingdom gives you the extra 40 points for the skill increase or not (it should, and if it doesn’t I believe this should be considered a bug).
Also confirmation on whether mastery bonuses beyond 100 from guild statues increase team power would be good.

Sirrian comment source:

Fully traited team

All kingdoms at level 10, 0 at 5 star.
Hero level 253
Guild statues: 85, 90, 87, 83, 85, 84

Blue statue bonus active giving +160