In game purchases

In game purchases…rn I would say most agree they are avoided by players, but why. They don’t really add content, Gems of War crew I just gave POE2 30 bucks for a skin. You can do the same, kinda…add animation packs to attacks, a glowing fist or sword when the cards collide during melee is a good start. ADD CONTENT , please don’t die Gems adapt and be amazing…smh

I’ve just removed a heap of posts that appear to be, commenting back and forth to your own replies.. to allow others to comment on this feedback.


Well I would have appreciated a comment from the dev team on my post not it being edited. I purposely posted that as to start the conversation as a back and forth. People could have still commented on my post, you could have as well instead of deleting my stuff. My time is more valuable than it’s being treated here so if you guys don’t want the help, fine just sit there than with that same confused look on your face why no 1 buys anything, but don’t act like you are helping anyone here by deleting their own posts…jeez you guys are clueless a heap of clueless.