[IMPORTANT BUG] Game stuck when werewolf kill the last ennemy

From smartphone (Android 7.0, Doogee BL7000).


The bug appear when I use a transforming creature’s spell like werewolf and kill the last enemy with his power: the game stuck and don’t conclude the game by a win or loss, forcing me to flee this game. That’s cost to me a score of 200 damages on the boss quest + crow…

This bug appear twice this week… I’ll screen it when this bug appear again, but it’s frustrating: the werewolf’s spell is powerful ( usually 30 damages at level 17 + new turn from 4 gems matched) and it’s annoying to not play it because of that!

I think the transformation capacity is the problem: the game think it’s not finished yet because of the “apparition” of a new creature (even if it’s in my side).


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Interesting find. Thanks for the report.

I was able to reproduce it as well. It seems to be the same bug that effecting Krystenax right now. So the bug is actually: when you use any spells that both attack and summon/transfrom as a finishing spell to kill last enemy, and you also get an 4/5 match extra turn as a result of that spell, the board will stuck with no victory screen.

The only way out so far is casting another spell that available. I use Firebomb after Werewolf cause the game to stuck, and able to ge out of it. Also work with Krystenex.

With more info on the bug, I hope they are able to fix it soon!!

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Thanks for letting us know about this! We will investigate it.

Please feel free to contact support about your missing Raid Boss sigils


I confirme thé bug.

I think it’s easy… the code source need a small “if” condition after a summoning effect… Depending about the code ^^ .
If (no enemies after new characters)
{ Win the game }


I don’t need to contact support for the missing rewards: the score will not give the next reward anyway.

Do you remember if, when the issue happened, that the game froze when the board had a match of 4 or 5 available?

Yep, in fact, this stuck happened when the game have not the opportunity the verify if there are no enemies on the game…
So, in a match of 4 gems, you keep your turn and the “verification algorithm” don’t work, unless you use another spell that run the verification (“is there any enemy to target? No? So you win!”).
Instead of a “if” correction, maybe it’s better to use this verification every time there are damage or death and add summon verification in this moment in function of the cards? Or simply put this verification at the begining of each turn?

Good luck, programmers (I’m still noob with my 1 year exp in programmation anyway, so… Sorry if I say a bullshit ^^ " ).

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