Immortals filtering

As far as I understood, you have really big issues with programmers over this game. So instead of properly maintaining Immortal’s features inside the game you instead went full pastacode.
I can’t explain other way why Immortal being merged into filter pool of the pvp Area forcefully despite color settings

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Which PVP region are you fighting in? Immortal troops are (as an actual rule) always eligible to compete in their home region, even if it otherwise doesn’t meet the weekly restrictions.

Which is arguably better than, say, when they released Burning Ocularen and it wasn’t even eligible to Delve its own Faction (due to the Mana Colors it launched with).

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thread is about filter being broken because of poor coding solutions

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Were you using this filter in the context of assembling a PVP attack team for which region?

Because I went to my Troops screen (straight from the map) and just tried filtering it by Mana Color, and Immortal Titanius (Blue+Red+Brown) did NOT appear when filtering by any of Green, Yellow, or Purple.

However, if I go to Adania region (which, at least on Switch, conveniently has a Green restriction this week) and from there filter my Troops to “Mech”, I have 7 eligible Mechs, and also Immortal Titanius despite it not being a Green troop.

Heck, if I restrict the filter to Green+Yellow+Purple (All Colors) Immortal Titanius still shows up despite not matching the filter.

This being said, if I adjust the filter to exclude Red or Blue than Immortal Titanius is properly excluded from the resulting list.

So in my opinion, this appears entirely related to which Immortal in which Region, and is not (necessarily) a problem with the filters.

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exactly, they mix up the region’s current immortal into the pool
And given prohibiting a color takes effect, it’s really, REALLY weird coding solutions

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