Immortal Weapon Aquaria's Staff changes

Hi Adventurers,

There will be a change made to the Immortal Weapon Aquaria’s Staff:

  • Currently it converts all Gems of a chosen color to Blue Dragon Gems

This part of the Spell will be removed and replaced with

  • Create 4 Blue Dragon Gems

As always we will be monitoring the balance of the new Immortal Troops and Weapons over the release period.

If you have any feedback about the balancing please feel free to provide it here or in the Feedback section of the forums.



its already a 20 mana base weapon. Converts all Gems of a chosen color to Blue Dragon Gems is at least useable. What’s 4 random blue dragon gems supposed to do?

You want people to spend 20 red mana to make… 4 blue dragon gems?

Isn’t this weapon supposed to be special? or… at least do something useful?



…however, it does make it even easier to ignore the immortals RNG roulette if they are duds.
:blush: :vulcan_salute:


While I can understand that original conversion is likely go out of control, create random 4 blue dragon gems is too overly nerfed. I would not cast it at 8 mana, let alone 20. If 4 gems are destination of balance, it should be like this way:
“Select a gem. Convert that gem and 3 other gems to blue dragon gems.”
That will give us some basic control.


Look, Ma! An Immortal Epic Weapon!


oh you’re serious let me laugh harder

Lol thats a massive nerf. You guys really dont know what you are doing do you?


Okay, after searching troops with create gem spell and keyword dragon gem, I can say creating 4 blue dragon gems, or even targeted conversion like I suggested above, can’t be right.

See Kobold Emissary, blue/purple 12, create 5 blue dragon gems, then create 3 more or gain extra turn.
See Crystal Eggs, yellow/purple 11, create 7 blue or green (choose-able) dragon gems and summon a random dragon.

So I’d say if we need to redesign the weapon as creating dragon gems, it should be like this:
Red 11, create 7 blue dragon gems. If Immortal Aquaria is in team, create 1 more gem and summon a random dragon.


A reasonably interesting replacement would have been to create a single blue dragon gem at a specified position and grant an extra turn. Creating 4 random blue dragon gems is actually something players would pay to force upon their opponent, because it’s highly unlikely to benefit the caster. Pathfinder Reloaded I guess, with Extra Punishment on top.

This doesn’t mention that anything will happen with the feedback we provide.


Yeah they didnt listen to any of our feedback on the immortals


So, that weapon is now DoA

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This is an insanely high level of nerf on a weapon you just launched, which supposedly could not have been available to players until this point, so can’t have been player tested to highlight it was overperforming.
The only reasonable conclusion are that you added it to the game and let players see it, then tested it.
Realising it was a bit too powerful (yeah, sure, it was a bit), you chose to nerf it. Except you annihilated it, making it unusable, because you can’t figure out how to balance stuff.

So, why wasn’t it tested and balanced before being added to the game?