If Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is stopping you from loading the game, I have the solution.
Solution for Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2.2.1:
Open the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware application, and
click on the ‘History’ tab at the top,
now select the ‘Applications Log’ tab on the left hand side,
now select the ‘Protection Log’ (NOT ‘Scan Log’) entry that has the date you started getting blocked in the title of the log file,
now scroll down until you see gemsofwar (Gems of War with no spaces and no caps)
now search that line for an ip address, it will likley be but it should for sure look like xx.xx.xx.xx where xx = some number between 0 and 255.
Take note of that ip address, it may also be helpful to note the corresponding url name resolution (the web address that it belongs to) which will probably be gemsofwar.us-east-1.elasticbeanstalk.com except the us-east may only be there because I am on the Eastern side of the U.S. so your game may search a more appropriate server for your location… hence why all the steps to get the appropriate information for you.
Now go back the the Malwarebytes Dashboard (the screen the program opens to) and select the ‘Settings’ tab at the top.
Now select the ‘Web Exclusions’ tab on the left hand side.
now click the ‘Add IP’ button at the bottom, and enter the IP Address noted above. This will likely be all that is needed to fix the issue, however for good measure I’d suggest adding the web address as well by clicking the ‘Add Domain’ button as IP addresses (even on servers with static IP addresses) may change, and if it does, it would likely change more often than the web address.
Solution for Malwarebytes3:
Select the ‘Reports’ tab on the left hand side,
now select the ‘Protection Log’ entry that has the date you started getting blocked in the title of the log file,
now scroll down until you see gemsofwar (Gems of War with no spaces and no caps)
now search that line for an ip address, it will likley be but it should for sure look like xx.xx.xx.xx where xx = some number between 0 and 255.
Take note of that ip address, it may also be helpful to note the corresponding url name resolution (the web address that it belongs to) which will probably be gemsofwar.us-east-1.elasticbeanstalk.com except the us-east may only be there because I am on the Eastern side of the U.S. so your game may search a more appropriate server for your location… hence why all the steps to get the appropriate information for you.
Now go back the the Malwarebytes Dashboard (the screen the program opens to) and select the ‘Settings’ tab on the left hand side.
Now select the ‘Exclusions’ tab on the top.
now click the ‘Add Exclusion’ button at the bottom,
A pop-up will now appear. Select the ‘Exclude a website’ option.
in the field where it says ‘Enter an IP or URL’ enter the IP Address noted above. This will likely be all that is needed to fix the issue, however for good measure I’d suggest adding the web address as well by repeating the process but using the web address instead this time.
Solution for Older versions of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware:
Update or delete your copy of Malwarebytes, because it’s not doing you any good at all at this point, then follow the directions above.
If you can not update because your computer is too old or doesen’t have the space maybe you should reconsider how you compute, as this game is probably too taxing on your system… in other words upgrade your computer, it’s time.
If you can not update Malwarebytes because your using a pirated version, your on your own, that’s what you get for pirating. Grow up and pay for the services you want. As a developer, I work hard to bring people products, and I deserve to get paid for my efforts if people appriciate my work. The same goes for the developers at Malwarebytes.