This week is journey and the mode is a royal pain in the ass, it is monotonous and time consuming.
Now for the fix. In PvP we now have the immortal troops. how about you release a new strong troop that would help the event but not solely focused around that troop. Now im not saying scrap the captain even though the journey one is less than useless after the nerf.
The proposed “Event Immortals” could be similar to level up like their PvP counter parts in that you need burning souls. This would not only help players make stronger more effective teams for the weekly event but also give them a chance to further progress with the PvP immortals. This would also help the developers and publishers as i am not saying this should be free just like PvP have cash offers to boost the troop. For journey i can see people wanting to max the troop.
Just an idea and i was wanting to make it seem fair for both sides (players and devs).
Lets face it journey sucks and we need immortals for base kingdoms now as well as PvP, what a chance to add them.
but here I disagree: it’s a game mode where I should take a second look instead of just letting everything explode.
I like that, same with the trials;)
I will agree the nerf (while clearly necessary) was probably a bit too strong. Just eliminating the base Gem creation (because the troop counts toward its own boost ratio) would have capped it at +12 gems.
Journey is the only event type where your rate of scoring generally (and objectively) DECREASES at higher enemy team levels (due to being affected by # turns), instead of remaining consistent (ToD, Tower Invasion) or scaling up (World Events, Raid Boss). Which is, and has always been, the chief complaint.
Journey is additionally plagued by the featured Trait doing literally nothing outside of the single week in which the Troop is newly released (despite the trait itself being ostensibly standard across all Pathfinders), in stark contrast to Bountyhunter Troops whose trait remains useful in every Bounty event (with the newly featured Troop having double the trait’s normal effect).
Add to this the DUAL restrictions on team composition, and this all results in Journey not just being the hated mode ever, but more hated than every other disliked mode combined.
But . . . creating a second Troop ostensibly unique/exclusive for the mode is not the answer.
I agree the mode needs a fix but immortals for events seems like a bad idea to me. We already have event captains, with boosts in their respective events, and immortals are intended to be powerful against other heroes (PvP) because of their extra power from traits and stuff. I don’t think they should be used in other areas of the game in the same way.
I’d accept your suggestion as a big improvement over what we have now, but I think there’s other solutions which would work better, such as giving the event pathfinder a better boost (like +5 gems created during the event, or +1% damage per miles gained in the event, or whatever), instead of making new troops even more focused on the event only.
Or both (bounty hunt - it scales up to a fixed amount then remains steady as you repeat the same level battle).
But yeah, this is a huge reason why journey is the most hated event.
Yeah, this needs to be fixed, but I think they’re too far in to admit it. They’d need to change all the existing pathfinder traits, or replace them with new traits and just give a direct boost to miles via the event (like bounty hunt gives a boost to bounty points for having the event troop, or tower of doom gives a boost to dooms killed for having the event weapon). I don’t see why they can’t do this, but I doubt they will, sadly.
I forgot where it was mentioned, but if we had event medals to boost our damage during the event, it would make this much easier. And I honestly don’t think it would be that hard of a fix either. (Rewards would have to be adjusted to include event badges, but I think it’s manageable).
They don’t play their game at high levels, so they don’t see the impact of terrible decisions like this. To get through the Journey event this time, I use the following team:
Doomed Spade/Sentinel
Ivar Longclaw
It can be slow to get going, but once you flood the board with brown gems, it loops and ramps up damage to scale with higher level enemies. The Doomed Polearms let you get through Journey because those weapons ironically are just like the un-nerfed journey troops.
I was thinking about this. Why not just boost the journey troop gem creation just during the event. Then I realized it doesn’t solve the core problem with journey. That problem being that at a certain point, you cannot get full points for a battle without considerable looping.
Before the nerf to the pathfinders, I still hated the journey events. Casting the same troop spell an ever growing amount of times in a row, is pretty tedious. I would agree that it is preferable to lugging around a troop that doesn’t help loop and losing score.
If I was tasked with fixing journey events, I would…
Remove the turn penalty from the scoring. It’s silly.
Let gooooooooo of the “deal craptastical damage & create just enough gems to give the enemy multiple turns” on journey troops. It’s also silly.
Removing the turn penalty, removes the eventual necessity to loop. That, in turn, removes any need for the pathfinder troop to be loop friendly. Instead, each pathfinder can be designed (hahaha designed! Remember when elements within games were thought out?!) to synergize with the troops available in the double restrictions.
But yes, absolutely, I’d rather have boring, tedious, cast it 100 times pathfinders (just for their event) than what we have currently.
Remove the score penalty of losing points after 10 turns.
Give the pathfinder troop a ×5 magic bonus for the Journey event, just like Raid and Invasion troops.
This isn’t rocket science, but it sure does feel like it.
Yeah. That’s the crux of the issue. If they let battles keep scaling forever, eventually, they just get long and loopy, or you lose points.
Totally agree. Journey was seen as a bad event from the moment the pathfinders started creating gems and looping, because even though it became easier, it was boring, RNG dependent and had a small risk of the enemy getting the turn and using all those gems against you, thus losing almost all your points.
Yeah. I’d either remove the turn penalty or cap the battles level (much like bounty hunt battles cap out at the 20th battle) so enemies can’t get stronger and more tedious to beat.
Won’t happen, sadly, but that would be far better.
For those of us who actually play the game and can see how obvious the problems are and the solutions can be, it’s not. If only those who made the game treated it the same way, they’d find the fixes a lot easier.
There are two simple ways to make the journey event more attractive again.
a) make the event captain stronger again! (If there is concern that this unit is TOO strong and will also be used in PvP, then simply allow the captain for the travel event only!)
b) Don’t make the troop restrictions in the travel event so excessively difficult and simply leave a few more units to choose from…
It would be that easy…someone just has to want it! You don’t need to be a scientist for that!
Right now, capping the battle level is probably the easiest (and least confusing) band-aid they could put on Journey. I say least confusing, because I think having troops that behave differently depending on which mode used, might make the game more confusing for new players.
(randomish rant)…
Both journey and the world events were good ideas that have been implemented in the most half-arsed way, possible. The original Raid and Invasion events were good. While, I understand the need to alter the rules on them, once we had godslayers and siegebreakers all around, it was again done in the most half-arsed way. Changing TOD rules to need the doom weapon was just completely unnecessary, almost as if they just didn’t want anything around to remind people of when everything wasn’t weird?
I’ve been playing GoW almost 7 years and I can’t even remember the last time I felt the game was actually being thoughtfully developed. For a long time it has felt like troops and events are spit out of some rng based script.