I think Humility/Humility/Lady Anariel/Plague is the new Meta

Plague was the original Impervious, non-Red/Yellow/Brown blocking Mythic with Double Skull damage on *Affix enemies.

He was the ultimate front-man in the previous generation of the game.

Other than Plague there was no high-Mana ultra-tank anything Troop at the time that could sit up front and still not block the operation of the highest DPS looping and board-control colors. Then when the board conditions dried up (remember several versions ago the board started to dither after many consecutive player turns) his spell was the ultimate turn-pass at the exact moment when the board was at itā€™s most useless state.

Now with an entire Diseased AI lineup and almost nothing to work with (dithered board), at best the AI could get would be a few feeble cascades or loops in.

Then it was right back to player looping on highest DPS with an AI team fully Diseased, taking double skull damage, and able to generate Mana at less than 50% the Player.

It was the most powerful Troop ever that nobody used. I didnā€™t do a lot of Plague videos because board-dithering and strategic turn-passing is way too esoteric for most people. Itā€™s Krudler gone silly.


Impervious plus diseased is just a really good counter to the Kraken meta and general mana inflation.

The skill reductions can also add up if the team gets to looping, and can be really devastating to some comps.

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Iā€™m soooooo hoping they expand Disease and depreciate Drain. Iā€™ve said before though if they ever put in a Disease on-Match Trait people are going to riot.

I think a good counter to Kraken is Web with Impervious or Indigestible at bottom, ofc depending on the team comp. It feels good watching Kraken shoot the spell for 5 damage.


Plague is a pretty bad mythic but in the right team he can be ok

Good luck killing this


Hehe - damn lady anariel!

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So heā€™s worth craft then?

There are far more universally applicable mythics. Plague doesnā€™t so much win games as make it impossible for the opponent to win, only in specific setups, only if he lowers the right stats, and only if you let him. In the described setup, Plague (or more specifically, the troops accompanying Plague) ā€œwinsā€ by triggering a ton of match 4s to lower your stats while simultaneously creating a buff Impervious, making it impossible or near impossible to overtake him since you canā€™t gimmick him with devour or deathmark (though a zero attack assassin/archer or a Dracos cast, a forced enemy transform which there is now a weapon that has 100% chance, or an upcoming legendary would entirely remove the threat regardless of how much you have been withered, and transforming yourself, resurrect, or summoning gives you refreshed stats, not to mention just killing the whole relatively slow team before they get buff). If you are using him on offense as the core of your strategy, you still need a way to close out the match, and his spell doesnā€™t cut it by itself. In general, there is rarely any sort of invade counterplay situation where my thought was ā€œI must use Plague hereā€, its more of ā€œmaybe Plague would be okay in that spot, at least Iā€™m covering (color)ā€ or ā€œPlague might be fun hereā€ or ā€œI need an Impervious in the back and his kit might be more useful/I can only use that color for this day in GWā€.

If you happen to get him him, by all means, play around with him. I just wouldnā€™t make him a priority by any stretch.


Yeah, Plague is a ā€œneat to mess withā€ troop that has much more defensive value than offensive, which means youā€™re not building speed-clear decks with him. I would prioritize other Mythics.


Thanks guys. I appreciate your help and knowledgeable feedback.
I had my heart set on ketras so might wait for him again, although Jotnar would help me build a better giant teamā€¦
I really like the boost of the bard /scorpius set up and ketras /Jotnar would both benefit from either of those. Gardā€™s is great because he benefits from both and gardā€™s and ketras might be a good bit of fun.

Not really.

Plague is insanely powerful, but as other said only under specific conditions.

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Donā€™t be so smug my friend, Dracos 1337 is flying overhead with its disintegration ray :stuck_out_tongue:

OK, really that would never counter it at 25% I just have to be Mr. Contrarian today lol sorry :laughing:

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Maan, id watch a long-ass, deprive, plage vid. In fact, Id probably watch it a few times.
Ive always dug your content, I favour it over tacets, everytime. You are BBC4, heā€™s ITVā€¦ Nothing wrong with itv, but it caters to the lowest common denominator, sometimes we need a little more than a glossy, waffle-filled, basic.

Please, keep 'em coming.

*Incidentally, Ive been doing terrible things to people (in pvp) using humility, famine, Anriel, plague.