I pulled a mythic other than Ubastet

Note: If you are absolutely uncomfortable reporting your bug publicly you can privately message @Cyrup or @Kafka with the completed bug template. Do not abuse this offer to message developers if you are otherwise comfortable posting your thread publicly. (Please remove this paragraph when submitting your report)

Please check the known issues list before posting a bug.

Platform, device version and operating system
e.g. Android, Samsung Galaxy S8, Nougat

Screenshot or image
If you are on a console simply take a photo using another device. A video is preferred. Try uploading to YouTube Privately.

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened
This is simply what you were trying to do and what happened instead. Example:
‘I was trying to start an Arena battle, but Gems of War loaded Broken Spire quest instead!’

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Was this a once-off bug or has it been a consistent issue? Does it only happen after doinga particular game mode?

Steps to make it happen again
Do you know how to make this happen? Sometimes there are certain steps that can lead to a problem that may not be obvious!
Example: I lose once in the Arena.
I then exit to the world map.
I then tap on Broken Spire on the map and then tap Arena.
Broken Spire’s quest loads instead of the Arena

You just posted the template; you didn’t edit it to say what the issue was.

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I just got a pulled Wulfgarok from a glory chest but I thought the only mythic one could pull was Ubastet for a week.

Did you pull it from event chests?

You still get the kingdom mythic from event chests.

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That might have been it. Sorry for the post.

I saw you pulling it a moment ago on global but assumed it was through event keys or tier purchases from invasion.

If it is from glory chests that is strange :thinking:

I honestly dont remember which chest it was and I will assume it was my event keys.

No worries. It can get confusing. :smiley:

Thanks for the help all! I am really enjoying the game!


Just submitting as proof :joy:

Btw, welcome to the forum :smile_cat:

Glad to hear you are enjoying the game @Hellbender! Yes, you can still pull kingdom mythics from event chests.
