How often will you be viewing in-game ads?

  • As much as possible
  • A couple of times a week
  • Once in a blue moon
  • Never

0 voters

Feel free to detail reasons, e.g.: Totally worth it, want to support the Devs, not worthy at all, insulting waste of time, annoying green exclamation mark is intrusive even though they said it would not be done in an intrusive manner…

:relaxed: :vulcan_salute:

Those ones?


just a joke, insulting indeed. And taking place on my screen


as much as possible, hoping that this could help devs with some revenue


I’m playing on PC only (no mobile phone, no game console newer than a game cube, no interest to get either). So never, obviously.

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As often as possible, not as a replacement for gameplay. But as a chance for some extra stuff, when I’m unable to play.

In the morning: Open game, collect tribute, start ad, prepare breakfast, collect reward and then do some low level exploring while eating breakfast.
In the afternoon: Open game, collect tribute, start ad, go back to work, collect some more free stuff and close game again.

Rewards so far have been 400 gold, 3000 gold, 50 shards and 100 gold. It’s stuff that I would not have gotten otherwise, and if it helps the devs then it’s a win-win IMHO.


Charging realistic prices for in-game stuff might also help with revenue.

You seem to be in the ultra-minority because I haven’t heard of anyone else getting those rewards. I myself have received 100 gold, 100 gold, and 3 gold keys.

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I viewed 1 Ad and got 200 coins for it. I don’t think it’s worth it.


Just to point out - Salty stated that this would be “a static icon” as opposed to the blinky gem icon that appears on the shop button during the bonus buy events. This was deployed exactly as stated it would be. I still find it obnoxious, but we were told in advance what it would be, at least.

On topic: I don’t plan on ever viewing an ad. I’ve given this company plenty of money already, and while the “reward” is a joke, I actually agree with it being a joke. As soon as it starts to feel rewarding to watch the ads, from a psychological standpoint they become less optional and more mandatory. If they start feeling less optional and more mandatory, the complaining would be even louder (“I’m FORCED to watch them to keep up!”) and in a worst-case scenario, the devs/publisher would have to start factoring in players’ gains from ads when “adjusting” (read: nerfing) resource gains in other parts of the game. Because, you know, “Gem value” and all that horse puckey.

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To play devil’s advocate here… I will say that the devs certainly succeeded in their goal to make ads not feel like a requirement. I play Gems on my phone and PC, and I don’t feel at all pressured to log in to my phone to view an ad if I’m playing on PC. That was one of their goals, and they definitely met it, if not surpassed it. Unfortunately, the reason I don’t feel like I have to log in on my phone is because the rewards are so horrifically bad, so bad I don’t even want to watch the ads when I’m on my phone.


I don’t see myself ever clicking the ads. The rewards are way too small and surely don’t represent 30 seconds of play time.

I like the idea someone mentioned in another thread. They suggested getting a repeat of your last tribute if you watch an ad.


If you thought Guild Wars was tough, try getting a reward over 100 Gold. Now, there’s a challenge!


Never. The rewards aren’t worth my time. And I already support the game through cash purchases.


If ads worked for me, I would have viewed them fairly frequently the 1st week or 2. After a while, I’d get tired and rarely view them because the “rewards” aren’t worth the hassle. Overall, “once in a blue moon”.

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I’ll get them as much as possible. I just use the game on my phone for tributes while at work, and the ads are just a little extra because I don’t like playing with my phone even if I could do it.

Fair is fair: The rewards are small, so people can complain as much as they want UNTIL they accept they don’t need to bother with it, or they accept they shouldn’t have expected something much better than this.

New players can get some small rewards here and there, veterans too if they decide to not ignore it and endgamers can surely use their time in much better ways.


As much as possible. Its not about the rewards for me, it’s a way I can support the dev’s.


As much as possible.

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Probably not much, honestly. I’ve watched 3 so far and earned a total of 400 gold. Not worth the effort.



The rewards are pretty crap. I’m level 1,202 and I’ve pulled 400 gold twice already. 30 seconds of PVP typically equates to 9k gold so that was a less than ideal way to initially describe it.

But I’ll still be watching them when they pop up because I’m doing it to support the devs. Everyone keeps screeching for more content and fixes but refuse to be a part of the process when a way to give them more flexibility to do those things shows up. This is a perfect compromise in my opinion, I don’t have ads shoved in my face if I don’t want them and they get their checks from the companies they run the ads for.

As I said in another thread, as soon as they go past this point and force themselves open or jump up when I try to change tabs or something, I’m completely out and it was nice being here while it lasted. But I don’t mind setting my phone down for 30 seconds with the sound off every 8 hours to keep that from happening as long as possible, even if the rewards in-game were non-existent.

It’s just a small way to toss a “thank you” off to the devs and I really hope more people start doing it soon before they change it from a 3rd tab on mobile to banner ads and premium subscriptions to remove them or things the other mobile games do that end up pushing me to the uninstall button.

I wish capitalism wasn’t a thing either and we could all just work on things that we were passionate about without money being the driving force behind that decision, but everyone seems to like their Coca-Colas well enough so let’s just suck it up and click the button before we lose even more players than we did after 4.7 to forced ads for crack pipes from Wish.


I just can’t condone the persistent green exclamation mark if you haven’t watched the available ad, blinking or not, so unless that changes, never.

If it wasn’t there, I’d probably consider watching it every now and then as a favour. And out of curiosity for what gets advertised :stuck_out_tongue:.

Edit: On second thought, thinking about it a bit later, I can see how the 100 Gold would really just suck and stick it to you. If it was ~3000 Gold consistently, then my second paragraph would apply.

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