How do YOU fix the game?

So, imagine you got to take charge of the GOW development team for a day, and you could give them ten specific orders, for stuff they’d have to change/fix/update. And it CAN’T be generic stuff (like “fix journey event” or “buff/nerf this troop”), it has to be specific, detailed instructions, so they get it right for you (like “remove turn penalty from journey event” or “change the stats on this troop by this amount” or something).
What would you tell them to do, and what’s your priority order? Give a list from one to ten, with one being the most crucial to get done first.
I’m curious to see how much overlap we have, and how much we agree (it’s all personal, though, obviously).

Is this before or after I’ve laid off much of the staff in order to reduce costs?



Reduce sigils in all events. For example you get like 25 free sigils. And with a tier 4 purchase with gems you get a total of 45+ sigils. Reduce those sigils to a half or a third and scale points and levels. There is so many event and with harsh and awful variety.


So, my message as a director to my Infinity Plus 2 employees:

  1. Install the Gems of War game for everyone
  2. Launch and create a character
  3. Unlock all troops, weapons and pets for the character through the developer tools. And also give maximum fame and power to the kingdoms
  4. Every day during working hours, 1 hour will be allocated for the game. During this time, you need to complete all daily and weekly events, and also get the maximum rank by the end of the PvP season
  5. Read the official forum daily and respond to requests and problems with at least emoticons or pluses

After completing these points, the campaign will be reborn, enlightenment will come and universal happiness will come


I would definitely start with fixing bugs and go over players improvement suggestions or ideas such as our Game improvement list:

I was mainly thinking of changes made inside the game, but I do agree that making them all actually PLAY the game would be a good idea, and give them a better perspective on what they create.

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I don’t have time to come up with a list of 10 currently but here’s one that’s been driving me crazy:

  1. Revert the temporary PvP defense fix to Stellarix and Wand of Stars
  2. Allow users to set custom defense teams for each regions. If no defense team is set, use last attacking team.

It’s not a perfect solution but it’s been 7.5 months since this fix was applied, and it’s been radio silence. It was emphasized multiple times that this was temporary but there’s no indication that this is true.

I really don’t care that much about PVP defense teams, Stellarix/WoS, win:loss ratios, etc., it’s just the principle of it.


how to fix the game… open editor, ctrl+a, delete, ctrl+s

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@TbIKBA : I don’t believe that the community here on the forums is representative of the GoW player base as a whole. Those people who contribute here undoubtedly skew towards being (much) more active than the average and probably spend (much) more than the average as well. I wouldn’t be shocked if the 80/20 rule or even its’ 90/10 version applied to the player base, that some small percentage of us spend the vast majority of money and play the vast majority of matches. That we’re a bunch of whales who spend hours on this stuff, but an awful lot of people play a handful of matches while riding the bus to work/school if they don’t feel like watching TikTok videos instead. What you and many others view as a time crunch and overly difficult requirements simply may not register with a lot of people.

Your idea, while sounding nice in the abstract, is asking the development team to put themselves in the roles and mindset that those of us in this active forums community occupy. Which is great, if the idea is to focus on them and not so much on the broader community. But I don’t believe that’s best for the game, even if it would be “best” for players like me.

The developers should be familiar with the game and play it at least on a casual basis, as to have an idea of what they’re dealing with and how their work interacts with the rest of us. But I want them working on the game and not consumed by it.


Wow… so many things. I couldn’t pick ten specific things to list. Three big picture things that I would focus on are:

  1. Make sure the dev team were playing the game. Not the souped up / cheat mode dev version. The game. Set some up to start from scratch, set others up as mid-game, others as late game. (Not sure how many people are on the team, honestly) Instruct some to limit their play time (mimic casual) and others to do more. Set game goals to be met and see what happens.

  2. Prioritize community engagement. I have played some really rough games that still felt worth the trouble, because of great community engagement. Yes, there are angry entitled doofuses on the internet. Yes, it sucks to deal with them. But, overall, having a strong channel of communication with the players is an asset. Use that asset!

  3. Fine tune the monetization. Yes, as a ftp mobile game, there are always people who are gonna scoff at monetization. But there are plenty of people that understand the business reality. And there are many who don’t mind buying things, if the math works. But the $60 garbage offers? All they do is exploit newbies who will eventually feel bad about spending. Meanwhile, if you have plenty of $0.99 - $4.99 offers that offer value, people will be more inclined to bite and less inclined to feel like it was a bad idea.


1st priority for me would be to fix journey.

A few ways to do this:

  1. Remove the journey troop nerf. It was nerfed due to players whining about looping teams in guild wars. This is long overdue. The nerf serves zero purpose now and the troop is dead weight.
  2. Remove the “you lose miles if you take too long or loss troops.” The only reason this is here is to hurt the players, and it was intended tp be a balance on players having looping journey troops. For example this week bears are slooooooow unless you get lucky with devour or terror. Past a certain level its very hard to get full credit for battles
  3. If none of these are done remove journey. Its a borig chore of a game mode

But you guys are assuming these devs care what we think. Their only focus is that next pvp update.


I could write a novel on how to fix the game if I thought actual developers would read it and take something from it. But that doesn’t happen here.

I’ll just say that Dooms every month with a forced weapon is insanely miserable, but especially miserable for whoever has to make a doom map for their guild (or anyone who isn’t lucky enough to have Stellarix). This needs to go back to being once at the end of every campaign and with no forced weapon.

Journey right now is agonizing in every way. Brown Urskas with a neutered journey troop is super fun. I mean, they nerfed the journey troops because they were ruining Guild Wars… GW hasn’t been in the game in how long now? And even if it was in the game you can make the journey troop useful like it was and then nerf it the week that the journey event ends. It’s not real complicated.


I been playing gems for 10 years on xbox. The game is fine the way it is. Only 2 things should be prioritized. First to fix bugs to ensure a pleasant experience. The second would be balance. The only other issue would be update older game modes. For example, the rewards for treasure maps and arena aren’t worth acquiring anymore, when most players are focused on specific currency, So, a simple tweak would be to remove 1 or 2 rewards and replace them with deeds and writs. Just getting 1 or 2 deeds and/or writs per a few minutes of playing 1 treasure map would be an incentive for players like me to start using the 10,000 treasure maps I acquired over the years. Same with arena awards. 50 writs is a nice reward and I used to do arena back then just until I got my 50 writs. The random orb wasn’t worth my time, when I can just use vault keys to get the same rewards. The rotation of different events is fine and should stay as is. I hear players complaining about journey. I usually save all my shiny keys until journey and then I upgrade the journey troop to shiny 2 (and sometime gold elite) before I do my guild weekly reqs for the event. At shiny 2, a storm that matches the color of the journey troop, and a troop or weapon that explodes the board, allows that journey troop to loop multiple times. Other balancing issues could be used in pvp. I noticed today, Dark Order had around 65k points total so far and the other 4 factions, if added together, would hit around 50k points. So, why not combine the other 4 factions into 1. Even though Dark Order would still win, on days where 3 kingdoms are getting challenged, they could steal 1 if they coordinate. To balance pvp, bring back rewards for defence wins. Every 10 wins gives you a reward with 50 wins giving you something small, but nice, like 5 gold marks. There are players who speed grind pvp, which means if they don’t win a battle within 24 seconds, they quit and take a loss and go to the next battle. There is no penalty in quitting. Some battles can take a minute or two and players like me are goind 2-3 battles per minute, so it doesn’t make sense to complete a battle. If you apply balance by giving a loss in points for losing or quitting a battle, then depending on the penalty may make me decide to actually play instead of a quick grind. Players who play a lot get a ton of gold keys. Gold and glory keys are an important resource for getting a lot of gems. Another reason why treasure maps aren’t viable. Like I said at the beginning, you don’t really need to touch much of the game, just little simple tweaks that balance stuff. For players that complain about the game, I noticed they don’t really know much about strategy of the game. For example, some classes have an ability called dispel when you do a 4 match, which takes away enchant (like life and death weapon) and barrier. There are like 1500 troops and weapons and class comboes that you can do a lot of stuff that players don’t realize. They use the same popular meta and have difficulties with certain troops or defences. The solution is to suggest they join an experienced guild, which will teach how to be better players. If you are planning on adding more stuff to do in gems of war, a simple tweak would be to allow guilds to work together and build upgrades in their guild. The resources would be astronimical, but the rewards would be stuff like, gain 10% extra gold in explore battles or troops get +1 on all stats in pvp battles. Little things like that. You can even set a limit, like create a resource specifically used for upgrading your guild. You can trade ingots, glory, trait stones, whatever junk that we never use for this specific resource and you can only get so much of it per week. The guild leader determines what structure or upgrade will be build. However, if you choose one upgrade, then you lose out on building certain structures. The goal is to get players back together again and work on long term goals. That would make the game more interesting.


1.) Remove score penalties for Journey. Players shouldn’t lose miles for any reason.

2.) In PvP, adjust VP scoring based on team score instead of a player’s level. Even if I’m a higher level, that doesn’t make me a better player.

3.) In PvP, alliance ranks do not reset. While alliance ranks do not reset, there is instead Season VP that does.

4.) Instead of having to reach Praefect every season, you just have to get to Centurion I. The scoring thresholds for achieving each rank would have to be adjusted as well, because 480,000 VP per season is still ridiculous. I’m not sure what most players would be able to achieve per season without burnout being an issue. I’d ask the player-base for suggestions and then adjust the ranks according to what the community suggests.

5.) Make the scoring for World Events consistent each time we have one so the community doesn’t have to constantly figure out optimal scoring. The breakdown for scoring per battle would be in-game.

6.) When a guild member completes a battle in Tower of Doom, the reward for that room is now displayed in-game for all guild members. Mapping rooms is no longer required.

7.) Increase the drop rate for Sentinels in Underspire. There is no reason an active player should spend however many gems and they still don’t have a single Sentinel. It should be realistically possible for each player to obtain all 6.

8.) Dupe protection for RNG dragons. Once you have 4 copies of each dragon, you don’t pull it again. We don’t have a third set of RNG dragons just yet so it’s lower on the priority list as a result.

9.) Change Season Pass goals. There’s no reason to lock F2P players out of all 90 rewards. They should all be achievable without purchasing anything in-game.

10.) Adjust the pricing of things in-game. Gems of War developers still need food on the table, but players should feel rewarded when they spend money on the game. While adjusting the pricing, high-level players should feel respected for the time they’ve put into the game. Each VIP level would be adjusted to have more rewards and getting to VIP 20 is now cheaper. VIP levels include new resources that have been added in recent years. I’m not going to even attempt to list all of them.

This isn’t a complete list. I could probably make a list of 50.


Whats frustrating is none of this is being listened to. When is the last time you saw true QoL changes to the game?


I’m really sorry, OP, I can’t follow your instructions. I’ve thought a lot about this and I can’t give 10 detailed instructions.

However, a lot of the problems I have with this game is informational - or rather, the lack there of.

We should not need external tools (ie. this forum, Gemologica, spreadsheets, etc) to keep track of things that should really be in the game.

For example, take World Events. The scoring information should be in the game.

Then take Tower of Dooms. The floors are all the same across the guild, so there should absolutely be a symbol or other indication that appears when a room is completed by someone in the guild. There’s no benefit to other guilds. Or maybe do it when a floor is completed, so there’s not so many calls on the DB. This information is ALREADY stored on the server somewhere, just show it to the players.

Another thing is generic to all gotcha games: pity timers for things like Sentinels and Hoard Mimic, and show that information in the game.

There are things they could improve (ie. the Book bottleneck is getting pretty tiresome after many years) but to me, giving players information improves the experience immediately.

There are games that really require you to use 3rd party resources (I play Guild Wars 2 as well) but those cases are expected (it’s an MMO…). This game never needed to be that way.