How do I get Glory?

I have forgotten how to get Glory. Is it from getting kingdoms? I haves all of the. Or challenges ? or what? Help.

You can get glory from playing PVP battles, the treasure hunt, or from your kingdoms’ tribute. You can also get glory as a reward in chests.

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also if you use minogor in your pvp invade team you get a bonus 5 glory per invade this week :wink:


Oops. Console thread.

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The post is in a console thread, so no weekly events, nor Minogor available.

However, you can get glory from certain daily tasks. Win with X troops from Whitehelm is the most profitable, but it doesn’t come up very often.


You can also get glory from guild task rewards, but the most consistent way is from PvP.


And tribute :slight_smile:

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Thank you all.

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