How can a Crimson Bat do 15 damage per enemy?

I’m with you. We can just whack each other with nerf bats and feather pillows like teenagers at a sleepover party until either the human or the computer dies of boredom.


I request a ban on @Lyya for promoting violence, SHE’S GONE TOO FAR!



Did I say to nerf everything? NO!

Do you want a game with spice and variety or one that gets stale that you only see a few different line-ups on defense? For game balance really powerful attacks need to be really costly or be weakened to be brought in line with the cost. It’s that simple. An attack that does true damage to all enemies is a very powerful attack by its nature and certainly more powerful than one that does normal damage to all.

Wouldn’t it be better to extrapolate what each effect’s cost is? One example would be goblin who does damage and extra turn (damage cost+extra turn)/2?

Bat is usually paired with Valkyrie, am I right? But on defense the AI can’t really figure out how to fill Bat with blues in one cast, it misses sometimes. That’s when you, the player, who is smarter… gets a chance to counter the Bat’s cast. Bat really isn’t that scary on a defense team, let’s be honest, there are other OP troops we should fear…

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The Bat doesn’t need a nerf. Yes True Damage is strong but outside of using magic boosters on your team, the average player isn’t going to see numbers that high anytime soon. It takes a huge amount of resources to get those last 4 magic bonuses, even on the easy to 5* kingdoms for starters (and if you’re on console, it’s impossible to do for 2 of them). Plus legendary troops should feel strong. If anything Crimson Bat feels like he belongs now in the upper tier club though he’s still a bit outclassed by a few others, which isn’t a bad thing.

If anything, most other legendaries should get a buff to make them feel more legendary. Only thing nerfing Bat will do is make it a more expensive, harder to get Marilith whose damage gain is offset by the gem exploding, attack boosting gains Marilith gets to make it stronger in the long run without needing high numbers of rare traitstones.


Bat is usually paired with Crescendo which is often just about as devastating and uses different colors which is a nice complement. My Zaegin attack group is better against these because of their higher health so they can withstand more true attacks. Granted that line-up doesn’t hit as hard as my Whitehelm line-up, but it hits a lot more often and the latter doesn’t have the health.

What’s nasty about it is you think you’re facing a Bat attack that will only do 10 points and it winds up being 13-15 instead. That’s a bit of a nasty shock. Likewise with the Crescendo. I’ve seen the same with other troops and hero weapons as well. The scouting is missing at least one set of buffs. Anyway–

I would expect an attack that hits all enemies to be more costly than one that hits only one (given equal damage). Likewise one that ignores armor should be more expensive than one that doesn’t.

Overall I would rate the Bat/Crescendo combo behind the Maw/Mercy and the Mab/Valkyrie when the latter two are traited.

I know it doesn’t factor in the Team Bonuses for Type or Kingdom, or even the Kingdom Power Bonuses.

Bat question:
Is it worth getting bats 3rd trait bloodsucking?
I know I need/want it eventually but those minor fires are so valuable it hurts to drop 34 more into him…


Does it combo with Trait 1 Divine Slayer?

Definitely worth it. I had a number of games I would have won had the bat been able to do just a little more skull damage.

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Yep. Bye bye defence mercy.


Fairly certain that’s a Console-specific problem. I think on PC, what you see is what you get (minus the start-of-battle bonuses and penalties from Xxx Bond, Xxx Spirit, Blessed, Cursed, and the like).

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Yes, it really is.

I got the third trait just to be thorough or something & thought I’d never use/notice it, but it’s great. Casting the Crimson Bat’s spell does true damage–so it wounds every opposing troop. After that, if you have a 2-bat team you can put one at the top and the third trait kicks in. The results can be very impressive.

3rd trait is better than it sounds. Go for it.


It also plays very well with Cursed, especially if you have several Cursers (is that a word? It is now). There’s a good chance you’ll hit health with 2+ Cursers, and (aside from those pesky Xxx Bond troops) that means the Bat is ready to suck blood immediately.


What Lyya says.

Bone Dragon

With cursed it can mean taking advantage of bloodsucking from the start, if Bone Dragon happens to achieve full mana before the Bat(s).

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Pretty sure hero class magic bonus still isn’t factored into scouted stats. That could be because of the weirdnesses with the mana color of weapons in scouting. Not relevant to the bat, of course.

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You might be right. I encounter about one Hero every…hundred battles or so, so it doesn’t really stick. Whatever the dev team had planned with Hero classes to breathe life back into Heroes, they sure aren’t represented on defense.


You want to see Hero’s show up again?


Make Hero class bonuses apply to all creatures in their team! :grin:

Drop the mic… :wink:

Priest does that already. Best combo to me is preist sun and moon.