Honor system infos and rewards

Still need a confirmation to know if the calendar will restart after day 7 or if the reward is 1 week only

Unfortunately i can’t test it on my own cause i got no electricity since monday cause of snow rain. Yeah the joys to live in Quebec lol

Ouch man. Hope you get back online before guild wars finishes.

Ty bro it’s finally back!!!
But the house is so cold lol

My apologies if this has been said to you 1k times. But in my head I just made it up.

QUE your BECing. :wink:

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Something is definively wrong with the honor. I counted 25 between respected 2 and 3 and i am still at respected 2

I think the honor you get from your guildmate doesn’t count or count for less maybe 1/4 i don’t know but it’s really weird

Or @Fourdottwoone’s idea about “honor decay” is right. If you lose one or two points of honor daily, then that dramatically increases how long it takes to slow-drip your way to Revered.

My guess is this…
Only X amount of honor can be given by your guild mates before reaching the next tier. Think of it like Renown, how only so much of your hoard quality can towards your overall renown.
Also, I’m assuming activity.
The slowest level up for me was between Honor 2 and 3. It happened while I was with family and unable to play for over 24 hours.
They want honor rewarded in PvP mainly from those outside your guild.
@Bernice does an ungodly amount of cPvP. She’s the first to be Revered.
@Rickygervais hasn’t been able to play due to power going out. So all that honor thrown at him was like money and time invested by end gamers in the eyes of the devs. As in, absolutely meaningless. :grinning:


i have a similar theory. however, it is not limited to guild mates.
when asked what would happen if the system were to be exploited by people making multiple accounts and honor spamming, the devs seemed to be confident that they had a solution for that. so i guess either each level can only accept a certain amount of honor from the same account, or you need to wait a certain amount of time before your honor towards the same person count again


I think it would be pretty disingenuous for the Devs to make it look like you were receiving Honor from people, but then not have it actually count (which I therefore think probably isn’t happening).

I could potentially see Honor from Guild Members being worth half, say, that of other players, but Honor from the same person repeatedly is already limited to once per day, mechanically (so to speak), so it would seem strange to me to limit that even further in some kind of hidden way in the Rank calculations.

To really test it, though, I guess we’d have to put several fresh alts in a Guild and do things like give one +1 Honor every hour from guildies only until Respected, etc., do the same for another but from other people (from here), and give yet another +1 or +2 each day, to see if there’s decay.

I just ranked up to Honorable with a +1 at either end (i.e. I received +1 Honor when ranking up to Respectable III and the same for Honorable). I thiiiiink I kept track of my gains :muscle:, taking screenshots for most and jotting it down a couple of other times. I counted +14 Honors (5 Helpful, 1 Fun, 8 High-Fives), with 2 daily resets occurring between my rank ups. It’s possible I missed/forgot to count one. Not really sure what to make of that :stuck_out_tongue:.

How about the devs just actually tell us how the system works
I feel like back in the day, when I would lose the instruction book that came with the game


As far as I understood the official communication that’s exactly what’s happening, and quite intentional. The honor system is prone to getting gamed, they want to prevent it by keeping the rules that causes honor to not count secret. Basically security by obscurity, it’s universally agreed to be a Bad Idea, it still finds its way into many flawed designs because it saves so much effort.

If I were inclined to test the boundaries more thoroughly to reap the benefits I’d do the following:

1.) Testing for repeated honor

  • Prepare two accounts (A, B, C), B and C must not have received any honor so far.
  • High-Five A → B once each day, collaborate with other players to get a unique High-Five for C once each day.

If B and C rank up at the same time, receiving multiple honor from the same source is okay. If B and C don’t rank up at the same time, game the system by organizing a group of players that all honor a single player on a given day. If B and C don’t seem to progress at all, eventually proceed with the next case.

2.) Testing for decay

  • Prepare four accounts (A, B, C, D), C and D must not have received honor so far.
  • High-Five A → C each day, B → D each second day.

If D takes twice as long to rank up as C, there’s no decay involved. If D takes more than twice as long to rank up, game the system by negotiating for bulk favors to be bestowed within one day.

3.) Testing for returned favors

  • Prepare three accounts (A, B, C), neither of which must have received honor so far.
  • High-Five A → (B, C) and B → A each day.

If A, B and C get a rank up at the same time, returning favors is okay. If C gets the rank up early, game the system by not returning the favors directly, instead let A honor B, B honor C and C honor A.

4.) Testing for guild membership

  • Prepare three accounts (A, B, C), B and C must not have received any honor so far.
  • Put A and B into the same guild, leave C without guild.
  • High-Five A → (B, C) each day.

If B and C get a rank up at the same time, guild membership doesn’t matter. If B and C don’t get a rank up at the same time, game the system by leaving your guild, receive honor from all former guild mates, then rejoin your guild.

That should cover the most relevant cases. Note that it is perfectly okay to game honor this way, the system has been declared to work as intended multiple times. Exploiting the inherent loopholes in a game of Find The Rules is actually a reward for clever players, somewhat similar to figuring out strong team compositions.


Yep. Easily done even if they never post in guild chat. I believe the guild activity log lasts forever ever.


Holy :poop:… another thing that is dictated by RNG and no one is allowed to know if it’s working or not. :person_facepalming:


Well at least that explain the different numbers

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In order to discourage “min-maxing” the system and encourage positive behaviors amongst the community, we can’t provide exact details on how this system works!

Yeugh. If there hasn’t already been a Feature Request to replace resource rewards for Honor with cosmetic/community ones, I’ll be making it.

Side note:

It’s influenced by many things, including who gave the honor, what it is for, and when it was received.

Categories for giving Honor

  1. Helpful - This player helped you, or was helpful to someone else
  2. That was fun - Something this player did made the game more fun
  3. High five - Any other reason you think this person deserves support or acknowledgment

I have a feeling High Fives, the most fun of Honoring options, is worth the least :slightly_frowning_face:.

I’m glad that honor has nothing to do with advancement in the game
After this much time, I feel I can make a real assessment now, and let’s just say it resembles a new brown GoW emoji and it’s not mana :wink:

I have gotten 2-5 honor a day, haven’t gained a level for it in 8 days, there is no way to know what’s right to do and what’s a waste.
It’s like GW scoring but worse in some ways, there is no way to figure out a single aspect of scoring
This seems to be a weird new concept in gaming, where knowing the rules and how to play, is not done for fear of “gaming the system”.
Most people would call it normal instructions.
Instead, it reminds me of Calvin Ball for all those who get the classic Calvin and Hobbes reference
“Crap, the other guy is winning, New Rule!!!”

All I need to say on this topic, just weird and senseless
Let’s hope that the devs consider this next time, secrecy to rules of a game is the dumbest new concept imaginable


Small addendum to my post, as to what I think is a solid analogy
Imagine doing a sudoku puzzle where they give u a blank box. There are infinite combinations, but the only thing they will tell u, is after u completed it,”it’s wrong, try again”
What’s wrong?? “It’s a secret, we don’t want u to game the system”


I’ve literally been Honorable 3 for a week now and have gotten at least 5 honor a day. = Broken. But I can’t do a bug report when I don’t know how it’s supposed to work. :person_shrugging:
Seems like Honor Ranks are RNG based. Which is just fantastic… We definitely needed more of that. :+1:

Well, I say if you know you got enough honor to advance and did’nt, submit a ticket. And keep submitting every time. Maybe then we’ll find out how it’s supposed to work. Or they’ll actually fix it so all honor is even. You know, like anyone with common sense would do it?