Homebound guilds are recruiting!

Homebound guilds are recruiting!

The Homebound family wants people who like to work as a team and to help others (posting team suggestions for events, answering questions for all levels of players, new and vet), and we encourage input into the direction of our guild.

HB1 is our top guild:
Gold: 600,000 (with a 1.6 million gold contribution on Monday of GW week)
Seals: 1500
Trophies: 300 per week
Raid Boss: 9000 damage
GW: 5 per day
Invasion: 100 towers destroyed
Tower of Doom: 25 Dooms completed
Discord required

HB2 is a mix of mid- and late-gamers:

Rank 209
GW bracket 15
40k seals
All basic guild tasks completed
Guild events completed
All guild statues at level 180+

Level 400
All kingdoms at level 10
Base requirements: 200K gold, 1100 seals
Flexible mins: Additional 400K gold OR 400 seals OR a mix of the two. Example totals including base:

  • 600K gold + 1,100 seals
  • 200K gold + 1,500 seals
  • 400K gold + 1,300 seals
    Raid Boss: 7,000 damage
    GW: 30 battles completed by end of week (no min score)
    Invasion: 75 towers destroyed
    Tower of Doom: 10 Dooms defeated

HomeBound 3 is for you if you’re actively progressing your kingdoms to level 10. There are several high level players supporting HB3, able to contribute to guild tasks. HB3’s minimums are flexible to encourage players to get familiar with weekly guild events.

HB3 requirements:
Player Level 200
2 out of 3 completed:
^1000 seals
*50k gold (if kingdoms are at 10)
*Participation in the event of the week at the following levels:

  • 25 towers
  • 5K Raid Boss
  • 25 out of 30 Guild Wars fights completed (win or lose)
  • 5 Dooms

HomeBound 4 is recently reopened for business and is intended for completely new players. We understand that victories can be slow and far-between in the early game, and aim to provide a low pressure environment with rewards to help you progress.

HB4 requirements:
100 seals

Come visit us on Discord and say hello!