Holiday Event: Running of the Foxes

Originally published at: Holiday Event: Running of the Foxes – Gems of War

The Beasts of Krystara are restless! For the next 2 weeks we will have the Running of the Foxes event. Win Battles against Vulpacia Enemies to earn Vines that can be spent in the Event Shop for Rewards. New Legendary Troop: Foxglove The featured reward in Running of the Foxes is the Legendary Troop, Foxglove.…

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Oh, wow, Vulpacea’s double Gem converter isn’t just a double converter but a double double converter (due to the “choose”). That’s a lot more interesting than its passive traits.

Aside, the current holiday advent calendar is called “Feast of Beasts”.


Remember when we had to actually think about decisions and gem conversions?

Foxglove is a great troop for people who like to take it slow and actually use their brain. Although, this troop invalidates forest guardian because it has more flexibility with its spell and can even convert green gems back into itself. The half mana start to beasts is always helpful, but the spell itself is inferior in every way.

I think of this troop as a measure of how much the game has evolved and how the choice mechanic on spells can be very powerful in the right hands…I mean paws.:fox_face: