Holiday Event: Krinklemas

Still waiting!!!


This Krinklemas guy is such a nice guy, such a nice guy I tell ya. I want more troops giving goodies when a spell is cast just like this nice guy we got here. Heā€™s such a nice guy, such a nice guy.

I want more troops like him. I mean giving away goodies not based on random foolishness is the way to go. More troops like him please. :sunglasses::+1:

And I donā€™t wanna hear any nonsense about over powered this or over powered thatā€¦ bring on the troops that gives the gift that keeps on giving. Such a nice guy this Krinklemas fellow, such a nice guyā€¦ (Now as for more eggnogs) :rofl:


EDIT: Iā€™m sober now, and this Krinklemas guy is a bad Santa, very, very bad Santa. Shame on you for getting honest players banned. You and your elves should get the boot. Very bad Santa, very, very bad.

Kris ā€œBad Santaā€ Krinkle :rage:


Krinkle continues to be confused

:point_up: Drunk Santa sees time Doubled

:point_up: Actual time left

:roll_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue: :vulcan_salute:


Itā€™s fine - popup shows time when event shop closes (a week after battles end according to latest patch notes), the second screen shows time when ability to fight battles ends.

They should make descriptions clearer, though, to avoid exactly this kind of confusion. You understand what they mean if you know how itā€™s supposed to work, but somebody from the outside will clearly see it as incorrect and wrong.


So it would seem that an elf laid an egg at the Toy Factory and had blamed Kris Krinkle for it. The stink was so big no one wouldā€™ve guessed that an elf wouldā€™ve been the culprit.

To make things worse Mr. Krinkle had a ā€œkick meā€, sign attached to his back. His butt was so sore from all the kicks, he went out into the snow to cool it off.

And thatā€™s how I met him, outside in the cold crying explaining to me that it wasnā€™t his fault. I told him to chillax and that we should go to the bar for some Hawaiian Iced Tea, the non alcoholic kind of course, heā€™s still on the job.

(Between you and me, rumor has it that the elf responbile for this mess was fed to a rock worm, donā€™t know if thatā€™s true or not)


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@Jeto Kris Kringle should be in chests. Can you give us an info about it?

@Jeto , @Kafka , @OminousGMan ā€¦ when will Kris Krinkle have his treasure mapsā€¦ We have been told nothing so far and was told heā€™d get them back.


@Jeto No Kris Kringle during ā€œnew mythicā€ chest openings.
When will it be available?

@Kafka @Jeto , @OminousGMan ā€¦ When will he be on chests?

More importantly when will his spell be restored?.. As devs promised


Just finalising which date heā€™ll be available in Chests AND spell fixed - they are likely to happen at the same time or at least in the same week. Once we have the date confirmed weā€™ll let you know.